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Friday 20 September 2024

Pallet packaging : plastic film replacement solution


After two years dedicated to research and development and testing of its solution, the start-up Ecklo launched the first responsible replacement option for plastic film for pallet packaging in July. Reusable and made from recycled and recyclable materials, this solution aims to reduce the environmental impact of business logistics while meeting their economic requirements, operational and regulatory.

To protect, stabiliser, secure and identify goods during transport and storage, plastic film is today at the heart of the logistics processes of all companies. Every year, In France, 310,000 tonnes of plastic film are used and thrown away, generating 1,5 million tonnes of CO2. Faced with this problem, the legislative framework is becoming more and more strict, both at the national level with the 3R decree and at the European level with the packaging regulation (PPWR). In this context, companies are looking for solutions to comply with these new regulations, while reducing their environmental footprint. It is to respond to these issues that Corentin Dejean (CEO of Ecklo) joined forces in November 2022 with Robin Bruneau (marketing director) and Florian Dejean (director) to found this start-up. Their observation : “It is estimated that 30 to 40% of pallets are packaged for transport on internal flows. Whether between two sites of the same company, or within the same site. There are therefore nearly 100,000 tonnes of plastic film which still remain within the scope of companies. ! »

Make way for circular packaging

Ecklo offers a reusable cover for packaging and maintaining goods on pallets. A cover made from recycled and recyclable materials. With a hundred uses, this doubly patented cover reduces CO2 emissions by 93% and the quantity of plastic waste by 95% compared to traditional plastic films. Easy to set up by a single operator, adaptable to different pallet heights, very compact when folded, the Ecklo cover also offers better anchoring of the goods to the pallet. On the economic level, this new circular packaging is competitive with a cost price of between 1 and 2 euros per use, corresponding to the market standard.

A successful launch and promising prospects

Even before its official launch, Ecklo has captured the attention of leading industrialists. The start-up was able to count on a collaboration with Evolis, world leader in personalization solutions and printing systems on plastic cards. The group tested and used Ecklo covers for its internal flows between Angers and Nantes. otherwise, Ecklo is a winner of the Club Déméter, French reference association of responsible logistics players, since January 2024. In this context, the start-up was asked by many members of the club to launch tests of its packaging. She is currently holding advanced discussions with several large industrial groups in the cosmetics sectors., luxury and technology. They all have in common that they manage flows of goods with high added value and as such wish to have a more secure packaging solution., durable and qualitative than traditional plastic film. Ecklo plans to deploy several hundred reusable covers within several large groups by the end of the year. The start-up structures a first fundraising to accelerate its development and expansion in France.

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