19.3 C
Thursday 6 March 2025

Promote what is best


Innovation, RSE, artificial intelligence : the program of the third congress of commercial strategies in Reunion, StratCo Run, highlights the new performance triangle that, for commerce as for the economy in general, meets the demands of the moment and sets the direction for the future.

It’s important to promote what’s best.”, declared in our columns, last April, Nathanaël Juricic, director of Optimark Indian Ocean and organizer of the StratCo Run congress, about the first StratCo Run Sales Performance Trophies, which will be delivered at the end of the day of September 26. More, to look closely, this remark applies to the entire program of the commercial strategies congress, of which this will be the third edition. If the updated contextual elements of the Ipsos Indian Ocean survey on consumption will constitute, like the previous times, the backdrop for interventions and debates, the 2024 program will this time highlight examples of products, actions, convictions in the three major themes that it relates : l’innovation, CSR and artificial intelligence. Even more clearly than during its first two editions, the StratCo Run congress considers innovation in products and in ways of producing and selling. Alongside speakers from Reunion who confirm the wealth of local skills, two external guests will share their experiences with us : Xavier Terlet, founder of the XTC firm, internationally recognized expert and innovation advisor to SIAL since 1996, and Jean-Mickaël Gay, founder of the company TRF Retail, specialized in the use of AI and data in the service of retail.

SIAL celebrates its 60th anniversary

Housing in Reunion Island continues to evolve. Who better than a banker (Crédit Agricole) and a DIY sign (Mr.Bricolage) can account for this development ? A most interesting exchange on the StratCo Run program

The success of SIAL as a showcase for food innovation owes a lot to Xavier Terlet, which works with the agri-food industries. Xavier Terlet will present to us, in preview, SIAL 2024 trends. Renewing the approach to innovation, particularly via product accessibility, it makes it a link between the immediate expectations and needs of the consumer and the societal and environmental concerns which are those of the company. In this way, everything comes together and reveals avenues for development.. The presentation, by Magali Caillé, of the CSR strategy of the Caillé group will also be placed in this perspective. As well as the intervention of the president of the SICR, Philippe-Alexandre Rebboah, dedicated to CSR.

IA : Reunionese skills highlighted

Jean-Mickaël Gay is a Nîmes publisher of SaaS business intelligence solutions intended for the large retail supply chain., with clients such as Carrefour, But, Brico Depot, Casino… It generates 60% of its turnover abroad. Supply chain, but also marketing, management of sales forces, client experience, etc. : Are AI and data breathing new life into sales professions? ? It was important for StratCo Run to call on an exemplary witness who could reveal the range of possibilities specifically in the commercial field.. But it will also be an opportunity to show that Reunion Island has its own resources in artificial intelligence.. This local expertise will be represented by the new general director of Digital Réunion, the association of Reunion digital professionals, Anaïs Sery, also president of the Réunion Artificial Intelligence association.

Nou la fé celebrates its 15th anniversary at StratCo Run !

Almost a year ago, the economist Philippe Goetzman, great witness to StratCo Run 2023, had advocated for strong regional brands to highlight local production and help it gain market share. Within its industrial perimeter, Nou la fé set one of the very first milestones on this path with the spotlighting of Reunion industrial companies. While the collective brand is being renewed in depth, looking back on fifteen years of experience will especially focus on the future, with testimonies from emblematic players in the Reunion industry.


Day hosted by Yves PUGET, LSA editorial director.

8 h : Welcoming participants in the cinema hall. Breakfast in the Mascarene garden lounge.

9 h : Opening remarks : Carole YOU THINK, founding president of Leader Réunion, and Rémi BAETSLE, president of ORA Groupe (Optimark, RMA, Askell, Pharmanimation, Optiway, Idtt, Vertigo, ACAP).

9 h 05 : Expert testimony : In the footsteps of the Reunion shopper : the different strategies to deal with inflation by Armelle GARNIER, general director of IPSOS Indian Ocean and Manuela Le Jan client director of IPSOS Indian Ocean.

  • A StratCo Run 2024 exclusive.

9 h 40 : Distributor stand.

10 h 05 : Tribune ADDRESS : New faith, 15 ans. Retrospective and outlook. From an identification mark to a territorial label of the future by Jean LARRèGLE, coordinator NOU LA FÉ.

  • Four sample companies : Bourbon Packaging, Petfood Run, Creole fisherman, Le Forban.


11 h 15 : CONFERENCE : " Food : what trends and how to innovate after several years of crisis ?  » par Xavier TERLET, food innovation expert, innovation advisor to SIAL and co-founder of Protéines XTC.

  • Parole d’expert : model transformation, the necessary developments in the food sector and the emergence of CSR in innovation.
  • One month before SIAL 2024, preview presentation of the trends of the show which will be held in Paris from October 19 to 23.

Perspectives shared with Nathalie DE JESUS, director R&D CILAM : testimony on the excellence of innovation in Reunion Island for twenty years and its challenges, notably the sustainability declaration.



14 h 15 : Tribune of the Import and Trade Union of Reunion Island, with Philippe-Alexandre REBBOAH, president of the SICR. The Cluster Green label and support for Reunion companies in CSR.

14 h 45 : Expert testimony : Cybersecurity, what is Cyber ​​insurance ? How to insure your business ? by Arnaud DAMOUR, Director of Enterprise SFR Business Réunion Mayotte and Guillaume DESJARDINS, cybersecurity offer manager SFR Business Réunion Mayotte.

15 h 15 : Expert roundtable on artificial intelligence : Navigating Generative AI, leader's guide, with Anaïs SERY, general director of DIGITAL RÉUNION, Jean Mickaël GAY, CEO TRF Retail & co-founder of BIZZPEEK and Dimitry LOVENCOURT, general manager of PHARMA 974.

  • AI and dATA in the shopper experience : new challenges for distributors, industrial, pharmacists and traders.

15 h 55 : Distributor stand.

16 h 15 : Tribune d’expert : Housing in Reunion, context, issues and perspectives, by Lionel BARRAU, BtoB commercial director of Crédit Agricole Réunion Mayotte. Perspectives shared with Maëva GRONDIN, director of the Leroy Merlin Le Port store.

  • Housing issues, needs, new trends observed : how to answer it  ?

16 h 45 : Tribune d’experts : Outsourcing of sales promoters : a tendency to share, by Rachid MOROUCHE, general director of OPTIMARK and Nathanaël JURICIC, director of Optimark Indian Ocean.

17 h 15 : Results and prize giving of the 1st STRATCO RUN TROPHIES for commercial performance, by Yves PUGET.

  • The trophy for the best sales force (FDV) of Reunion according to the brands.
  • The trophy for the best highlights.

Courage closing.

17 h 30


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