StratCo Run puts sales forces in the spotlight. It will now be the closing event of the StratCo Run conferences : the presentation of the golden trophies, silver and bronze of business strategies, a competition highlighting the work of sales teams in the field over the past year. The first edition will take place at the next StratCo Run, September 26, 2024.
New sign of the dynamics carrying StratCo Run in this fourth edition : the commercial strategies congress in Reunion Island is, from 2024, bring the most deserving sales teams on stage, those who organized and led the most remarkable and successful events of the year (highlights, promotions, product launch, seasonal operations, etc.). The three best in each category will be chosen by a jury made up of tradespeople : 12 professionals (parity respected) distribution, of local production and the world of marketing. This will be recognition from “pro” to “pro”, like this promising third edition of the Business Strategies Congress in Reunion which will have Innovation and AI as its common thread (artificial intelligence) This year.
A great moment in perspective
This is a unique opportunity to promote talents, efficiency, the commitment of field sales teams to serving brands and highlighting their businesses. The complete rules of the competition and the composition of the jury will be revealed in Leader Réunion in April. Already, the call is launched to the teams and their companies : show the key role you played in winning market share for your brands, of your products, recruiting new consumers, for a successful launch, to run a point of sale ! Merchandising devices will be particularly appreciated, their implementation (quality of assembly, POS, means deployed, etc…) and their results in terms of sales and customer returns. The presentation of Trophies to the winners elected by the renowned jury will take place on the stage of the StratCo Run 2024 congress at the Cambaie cinema. A great moment of emotion, of celebration and conviviality in perspective.
Theatricalization in all its forms
The StratCo Run Trophies aim to promote the broadest possible expression of talent. Five categories have been defined to cover all commercial operations. Each will see three teams rewarded with a Gold Trophy, a Silver Trophy and a Bronze Trophy :
•Catégorie 1 : The Best sales forces designated by the 5 brands on the island.
•Catégorie 2 : The most beautiful dramatizations of the point of sale in HM/SM food supermarkets (zone promo) ;
•Catégorie 3 : The Best commercial operation in the CHR circuit, the Best theatricalization of the point of sale in a shopping mall.
•Catégorie 4 : the best highlights :
– In shopping malls ;
– In large DIY stores ;
– And pharmacies.
•Catégorie 5 : Favorites : Yves Puget’s favorite and that of the 2024 jury.
Stores give their opinion
Honoring the best field sales forces in mass distribution could not be done without the advice of the major commercial brands that welcome them. Store Directors, hypermarkets and supermarkets on Reunion Island, will be questioned, by courier, to designate the three Sales Forces who best support them and help develop the business of their point of sale over the year.
Host of StratCo Run conferences, the editorial director of LSA, Yves Puget, keen observer of trade developments, will highlight the Réunionnais Commercial Strategies Trophies through its animation and expertise. But he will deliver to us, every year, his favorite. “Commerce would not be what it is without Sales Forces, and it’s an excellent initiative to highlight them. I have already had the opportunity to say how much I appreciate the sense of commerce and welcome in Reunion Island.. I also see in these Trophies a form of recognition from economic circles for the StratCo Run congress itself. »
The five winners of the Golden Trophies will be invited and received by Xavier Terlet, big guest at the next StratCo Run 2024 conference on September 26, at the SIAL Innovation pavilion, which will be privatized for the occasion by Optimark Indian Ocean. A great opportunity for dialogue, at the heart of the event, with the SIAL innovation director.