In order to support leaders and decision-makers in meeting the challenges of the contemporary world (digital transition, role of business in society…), Analysis Institute of Management (AIM) and MINES ParisTech | PSL Executive Education announce the launch of their first partnership in the Indian Ocean region.
From this start, the AIM training catalog, recognized player in the training of executives and managers in the Indian Ocean region, is enriched with three new short and certified programs, currently provided by MINES ParisTech | PSL Executive Education on the French market. The ambition of the two partners is to ensure its deployment across the entire Indian Ocean region. (Maurice, The meeting, Mayotte, Madagascar). These short, certified programs are taught in French and face-to-face or in blended learning. (Certificat Digital Native). They are aimed at all audiences of executives and managers, in responsibility for digital transition or governance issues. “For over 15 years, we train executives and leaders from the Indian Ocean by collaborating with renowned French institutions. Following this enriching experience, to the changing international context and the expectations of our audiences, we partner with MINES ParisTech Executive Education to offer personalized programs on the islands of the Region. Our desire is to provide access to a very wide choice of short certified training courses adapted to market developments and powered by avant-garde research centers including the Institute of Advanced Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship of MINES ParisTech. Being naturally equipped with a cutting-edge digital ecosystem, Reunion will host the first training courses and we will rely on our Reunion branch to facilitate the participation of French-speaking markets in the area such as Mayotte and Madagascar” explain Kaushall Ramlackhan, director of Analysis Institute of Management and Nathalie Job, Joint CEO Kantar et Analysis & co Ltd.
Purpose, cybersecurity, digital strategy
As part of this first partnership, three training courses will be offered from November 2021 and during the first quarter of 2022. Businesses, Pact law and reason for being : how to redefine the relationship and dialogue between the actors present : Etat, companies, civil society, And this, in the name of the collective interest ? One day training : Friday November 26, 2021. Lieu : The meeting (on request : Mauritius and Mayotte). Cybersecurity : understand digital threats and design protective approaches. Two-day training : Thursday November 25 and Friday November 26, 2021. Lieu : The meeting (on request : Mayotte). Decode, question and master your digital strategy : become Digital Native, that is to say, becoming truly digitally bilingual for responsible decisions. 84 hour training. First quarter 2022. Format : face-to-face and remote. Places : The meeting, Maurice.
Un Certificat Digital Native
In order to encourage sharing of practices and feedback with speakers and between participants, short training courses are offered face-to-face, thus allowing rich interactions. Considering its duration, the Digital Native Certificate will be, his, offered in the first quarter of 2022 in timeshare (part time) en blended learning, alternating remote sequences and face-to-face grouping sessions, particularly for the exploitation of use cases. In order to put each participant in a professional practice situation, a professional mini-thesis linked to a real business context and environment, must be driven throughout the route, giving rise to a defense at the end of training. Successful completion of this Executive program will result in obtaining the Digital Native Certificate, issued by the Ecole supérieure des mines de Paris (MINES Paris – PSL).
To find out about the training program and for any request for information :