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Tuesday 19 November 2024

Working together to achieve better results


Whether in the context of a family, of a community or workplace, the idea that a group of people can accomplish more than an individual working alone has been proven time and time again. You have certainly noticed this within BNI®, where groups of businessmen and women work together to achieve results far superior to those they would achieve if they worked separately.

Two key ideas underlie this concept. The first is that the sum of the whole is greater than the individual parts. When people work together, their collective efforts are greater than the sum of their individual contributions. In other words, a group of people can accomplish more together than individually. Ce concept est souvent observé dans les sports d’équipe, où un groupe d’athlètes travaillant ensemble peut atteindre un niveau de réussite plus élevé que n’importe lequel d’entre eux ne pourrait le faire seul. Il en va de même sur le lieu de travail, où une équipe d’employés peut collaborer pour créer des solutions innovantes à des problèmes complexes.

1 + 1 = 11
La deuxième idée est la notion selon laquelle 1 + 1 = 11. Lorsque deux personnes travaillent ensemble, leurs efforts combinés sont bien plus importants que ceux qu’elles pourraient réaliser seules. This concept is often used to describe the synergy that can be created when people collaborate. They can indeed bounce their ideas off each other, question their respective assumptions and build on their complementary strengths. This results in a level of creativity and innovation that is impossible to achieve working alone.

The advantages of working together
There are many benefits to working together to achieve better results. One of the most important is the ability to leverage the strengths of each team member who can pool their knowledge, their skills and experience to create a more effective solution. This approach allows each team member to focus on their strengths and contribute to the team in the most meaningful way possible. Another advantage of working together is the opportunity to learn from each other. Collaboration provides the opportunity to share ideas and points of view, which can lead to new perspectives and innovative approaches. It also helps build trust and understanding between team members., what is essential for effective collaboration.

Distribute tasks and responsibilities
Le travail en commun peut également accroître l’efficacité et la productivité. Il est alors possible de répartir les tâches et les responsabilités de manière plus efficace. Cette approche permet également de réduire la charge de travail de chaque membre de l’équipe, ce qui peut conduire à un meilleur équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée et à une plus grande satisfaction au travail. L’idée de savoir pourquoi et comment bien travailler ensemble pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats est un concept puissant. Dans le contexte des familles, des communautés ou du lieu de travail, les avantages de la collaboration et de la co-construction sont évidents. By leveraging the strengths of each team member, learning from each other and increasing efficiency and productivity, teams can achieve results they could not achieve working alone.

The sum of the whole is indeed greater than the individual parts, and when people work together, 1 + 1 can really equal 11.

For more than two decades, Sylvie & Annick Miquel has accumulated solid professional experience by successfully supporting entrepreneurs, teams and leaders of all kinds, both in the private and in the public. In their capacity as BNI Executive Directors in Reunion, of BNI National Directors in Mauritius and John Maxwell Certified Coaches, they are determined to help entrepreneurs, their families and communities, to succeed and prosper thanks to their innovative and efficient business approach.

Sylvie & Annick Miquel
Directors BNI Meeting
& BNI Maurice
+262 692 45 84 00

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