23.1 C
Monday 10 March 2025

Tetra : a three-in-one test for ponds and aquariums


Tetra has developed the first test strip with a phosphate and nitrate control zone to prevent algae growth : AlgaeControl 3in1.

This strip measures the two main algae growth parameters (phosphate content and nitrate content), as well as carbonate hardness, another important value. Use is easy : Dip the test strip in water and shake it for two seconds. We wait about 60 seconds without shaking it, then we compare the test areas to the scale shown on the box. When the phosphate content is too high, it is recommended to carry out a partial water change or to use Tetra PhosphateMinus or Tetra Pond PhosphateMinus which allow the phosphate content to be controlled. When the nitrate content of the aquarium is too high, same thing : partial water change or use of Tetra NitrateMinus which helps control the nitrate content. The KH indicates, on the other hand, bicarbonate content, which have a beneficial buffering effect (stabilization you pH). KH values ​​greater than or equal to 6°dH make it possible to obtain a stable buffering power. To increase the KH value, it is recommended to use Tetra pH/KH Plus to increase the bicarbonate concentration of aquariums, or Tetra Pond WaterStabilizer for quickly and correctly stabilizing important water values ​​in garden ponds. Products available in garden centers and pet stores.

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