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Friday 7 March 2025

StratCo Run 2022 : the first Reunion commercial strategy conference


StratCo Run meets on November 16 at Ciné Cambaie with Reunion decision-makers from industry and commerce for a strategic review of the local economy. In the program, testimonials, sharing of experiences, putting into perspective the path already traveled and the challenges that lie ahead. Leader Réunion is a partner of this initiative, first of its kind in Reunion.

This is the first time that a meeting of this importance has been organized in Reunion where economic players, starting with decision-makers in commerce and industry, will be able to come together to discuss their experiences and their vision of the local economy and its future in the current context. Certainly, places for dialogue and action already exist, and the island's economic problems are known. However, in addition to the interest of having a global view, such a congress will allow everyone to intervene while taking a certain distance from the pressure of daily life, to reflect on the situation, on the factors of evolution (general cost inflation, climate change, RSE, etc.), on the strengths and weaknesses of the Reunion economy, on its potential and ambitions. The other interest of this congress formula is to be able to enrich the exchanges with an external and independent look at the reality in Reunion., and thus benefit from a way of seeing things differently. That look, it will be that of Yves Puget, personality of the metropolitan media world, editorial director of LSA magazine since 1999, but also a recognized speaker. Yves Puget will host the StratCo Run debates, and his conference on the theme of “transformations in consumption and distribution and developments in relations with distribution” will be one of the highlights of the day.

The impact of inflation on the Reunion shopper : an exclusive study
Commercial strategy conferences take place regularly in the different regions of mainland France.. It’s the return of one of them, which he had attended, that a business leader from Reunion suggested the usefulness of organizing such a meeting on the island. Different partners, including the Optimark Indian Ocean company, mobilized to set up this first Reunion congress. StraCo Run will be held in one of the rooms intended for this type of event at Ciné Cambaie in Saint-Paul. Leading speakers will take the podium one after the other throughout this day which will give rise to a round table bringing together the main decision-makers of the island. On the other hand, the results of an Ipsos Réunion study on the impact of inflation on purchasing behavior in Réunion, exclusive StratCo Run study, will be made public on this occasion and will fuel the debates.

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