Tixeo, French publisher of secure videoconferencing software, reports that in mid-September, an expert from Wavestone warned of new opportunities for cyber attackers to attack companies. Among them, he noted an increase in attacks via Microsoft Teams and its integrated artificial intelligence, increasingly used in organizations.
Although we should not stop the development of AI, vigilance is required on its vulnerabilities. Hackers can hijack its initial behavior, extract sensitive company data or ask the chatbot for confidential customer information. Renaud Ghia, president of Tixeo, European leader in secure video collaboration, underlines in particular that “AI is starting to be integrated into videoconferencing solutions used by companies, and their applications are numerous : they transcribe, translate and subtitle exchanges in real time, analyze data and even summarize a meeting. To do this, these generative AI tools access data exchanged during videoconferences and are therefore incompatible with the very principle of end-to-end encryption”.
Other cyber risks in videoconferencing
Deepfake attacks consist of taking the appearance of a colleague or superior during an online meeting in order to collect confidential information.. Data mining attacks leak sensitive data (recurrence and topic of an online meeting, participants, financial activity…) thanks to a sequence of contextual questions. “For videoconferencing solutions embedding generative AI, the confidentiality of the data exchanged is therefore in question. Publishers must demonstrate transparency and give clear guarantees to users on the use of their data”, supports Renaud Ghia.
Les solutions Tixeo
Created in Montpellier in 2004, Tixeo is the only French player offering CSPN certified videoconferencing technology, qualified by the National Information Systems Security Agency (TRAP) and recognized by the CNIL. Tixeo has designed solutions based on a set of mechanisms to ensure a level of security never before achieved for online meetings.. The design and development of its software is exclusively carried out in France and the technology is not subject to foreign legislation..