20.5 C
Tuesday 25 February 2025

Réunipro : birth of a business community


Launched in August 2022, the Reunion quality label applying to companies in the construction sector has plenty to celebrate in two months. Its innovative character appears in all its dimensions with the synergies that the start-up encourages between its labeled members and the services it provides them..

It was ten months ago. Lucas Laravine and Flavien Bourhis, the two founders of Réunipro, explained the objective of their label : guarantee households with a single-family house project against unpleasant surprises due to abandonment of construction sites or construction companies going out of business. La solution ? A label encompassing all aspects of the company, from its financial health to its professionalism, including its social climate and the satisfaction of its previous clients. All this with the support of reference partners (the CBA accounting firm & Associés and the French number one in the collection of consumer opinions Opinion System). At the end of the day, an overall rating. But Réunipro’s ambition, from the start, was not reduced to the sole role of examining companies. Its founders hoped to spark a virtuous movement bringing together those labeled around the same values ​​of a job well done and respect for customers.. And this is what is happening with the first six certified Réunipro, to the great satisfaction of his team, completed in October 2022 by Leïla Lebon, development director, and Guillaume Huat, commercial director.

CSR achieved an overall weighted rating of 84%

Six certified companies to discover
Proof that the label meets a deep need in the construction sector, fifty companies contacted Réunipro in ten months. Six are now labeled (see box). A sign of the level of requirement of the label which looks at the functioning of companies from every angle. However, the rejected ones found there, them too, food for thought to improve their practices, which is another goal of the approach. All the information and results of the labeled people are gathered on the label-reunipro.com website which acts as a showcase for companies. Réunipro circulates the information on social networks where the message was quickly received by potential customers. For proof, the first six certified have already made the cost of their certification profitable.

The Réunipro community
It is in the process of being born from the relationships that are being established between the labeled. The trust between them, companies with different specialties, who met thanks to Réunipro, began to collaborate on construction sites. The emerging community also draws on the support proposals from the Réunipro team in view of the needs revealed by the audits.. It helps to correct certain defects most often due to the lack of time or knowledge of business leaders.. Thus Réunipro acted as intermediary to organize compulsory training : PPE/Fire. A second training, on a legal theme, will take place soon. And Réunipro is in discussions with construction suppliers to obtain attractive group order prices for its certified partners.. “We want to bring them something more. They have things to say, and we see an avenue of possible improvements to their working environment”, summarizes Leïla Lebon.

Créalize Concept (kitchen designer).
CJ Design Creation (metalworker).
KMC BTP (coordination of works and builder of individual houses).
Sorevoe (manufacturing and installation of outdoor shelters, pergolas and marquees).
CBMC (builder of individual houses).
CSR (builder of individual houses).

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