21 C
Wednesday 26 February 2025

Réuni’Pro becomes more and more professional


Réuni’Pro, the Reunion label of reliability and quality for companies in the construction sector, celebrates the start of the year by presenting the trophies of its latest certified. The label approaches 2024 with reinforced credibility among companies, individuals and institutions.

Founder of Réuni’Pro, Flavien Bourhis hands over the label to Judikael Lacroix, manager of Atelier Lacroix, Dionysian company specializing in plastering, decorative painting and parquet installation.

Réuni’Pro is a start-up originally created with the aim of guiding individuals with construction projects, development or renovation of their home towards reliable service providers. Faced with business failures themselves, its two founders, Flavien Bourhis and Lucas Laravine, have imagined a label which does not just guarantee the financial solidity of companies and their professional competence, but also their respect for values ​​such as respect for customers, A well done job, safety at work, the respect of environment. By going to the Réuni’Pro website, individuals find out about the ratings obtained by labeled companies. They each have a space where they can showcase their services and know-how.. Réuni’Pro relies on an accounting firm. For the qualitative evaluation of companies, she calls on the French number one in customer surveys, Opinion System, which goes back up to five years to collect opinions from the company's customers. But if Réuni’Pro is considered a “national innovation” by the Village by CA network, it is also to include in its specifications support and services for labeled companies, in response to their needs : price negotiation for the shared purchase of supplies, organization of training, help with recruitment… Shared values ​​and these collective services make Réuni’Pro labeled people a small community. Today it has eleven certified.

Launch of the Réuni’Pro card
For Réuni’Pro, the year 2023 will have been that of recognition in the professional construction sector and of development now structured around six centers of action : synergy (between the labeled), communication, formation, recruitment, purchase and service. A total of around a hundred companies have tried their luck since the launch of the project (seven labeling requests are in progress). Another mark of recognition, the start-up was invited to participate in a meeting on employment in the prefecture. Until November, Réuni’Pro organized a first job dating for its certified members. Relations have been established with Pôle Emploi, the local South mission, the Mercato de l'Emploi, the RSMA. Training, partnerships are established with Crealise, training center specializing in digital, I-Concept Formation for mandatory training and Cadriformat for training useful to professionals. The company concluded the year 2023 in style by launching the Réuni’Pro card, which allows certified partners to benefit from reductions at certain suppliers of equipment and partner materials. Another reason for satisfaction, feedback from individuals who “have called on certified companies and thanked us”, testifies Leïla Lebon, Development Manager. Finally, a fifth employee, Jamel Abdou, joined the team as a development manager.

Act before labeling
But this evolution and these first results also lead Réuni’Pro to clarify its objectives and update its development strategy.. “This is not the number of certified people we are looking for, but the quality of the companies. The very average ratio of certified companies raises questions about the reality of the construction market and its needs. This is why we are now evaluating our activity, not in relation to the number of audits we carry out and labeled, mais au nombre de rendez-vous que nous obtenons pour sensibiliser les entreprises à notre démarche et à ce que nous pouvons leur apporter. » En conséquence, Réuni’ Pro réfléchit à une approche nouvelle de l’accompagnement des entreprises, qui débuterait en amont du label afin de les aider à satisfaire les critères de la labellisation.

Crealise, CJ Design, Sorevoe, MCRC, CSR, CBMC, Atelier Lacroix, Dubard Automatismes, E Elec, CBR, SCUP ECO.

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