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Friday 7 March 2025



Purpose, reason to act, corporate social or societal responsibility (RSE) : notions that are not easy to grasp which, Yet, promises to be a mandatory exercise for all companies, small or large. In this domain, Orange sets an example by sending a strong signal : that of an organization that chooses to evaluate the impacts of its decisions and is committed to the sustainable development of its activities, supporting evidence. Lighting by Marie-Catherine Fontaine, responsible for innovative and CSR projects at the management of Orange Réunion Mayotte.

Marie Catherine Fontaine

What is the purpose of a company? ?
It is the contribution that the company makes in a unique way to its customers, his partners, its environment. Why am I here, what I am for and who I am. What basic needs do I meet?. Basically, it’s looking for how a company is irreplaceable. It is not easy to answer these questions. Because the reason for being is not reduced to activity. Activity does not constitute vision, an ambition, a belief. The reason of being, and. It expresses the long-term vision which will allow the company to better define its place in society., how its economic performance also contributes to the general interest. This is the case for Orange, which aims to “be the trusted player that gives each and every person the keys to a responsible digital world”.

What does it bring to the company ?
Beyond everyday business, it is the affirmation of a long-term vision which specifies the place of the company in society. As an economic actor of course, whose purpose is to create value. Defining your purpose informs the strategy : the engagements, goals, the means, all operational aspects… But also as a contributor to a collective interest. By having a reason for being, a company is part of a social project and explains the role it will play in it. The reason of being, this is what the company wants to tell society about what it is : by choosing me, these are not only the products or services but also the values ​​that you choose. This is why we must think carefully about the implications and weigh the terms. It is a fundamental approach.

Should this reflection lead the company to evolve? ?
It is not the activity itself that will necessarily evolve, but the way it unfolds. However, it can lead the company to take an interest in other areas and expand its activity.. At Orange, we view purpose as a compass. It's like a map you create, you have to know the destinations and determine the paths to get there. If it is driven by management, the approach must include all the company’s stakeholders in order to be shared. At Orange, we have chosen the path of co-construction by involving all employees as well as our external partners. The reason for being serves as a benchmark for us, de guide, it is our compass for action. It also nourishes our future, the field of innovation, the research and development avenues we are exploring, internally or in partnership with startups.

What method did you follow at Orange ?
With the reason for being, and relying on the PACTE law of May 2019 (which now authorizes the purpose of being included in the company's statutes), we managed to hatch something that had been ripening in our home for a long time without always saying its name: Sustainable development, environmental and social concern. Orange is a company that places a lot of trust in its staff. On the reason for being, we had this history translated into practice by certifications – environmental, energy, etc. Concretely, we started the operational phase of the purpose in 2019. The kick-off was given by the general management. A call for contributions was launched on what everyone thought. Lift collections, pooling, then vote. We had 130,000 voters. And this resulted in Orange's raison d'être which now appears in the group's statutes and which is intended to live.

Concretely, how it materializes ?
Through the formalization and consideration of social and environmental objectives, which are based on four pillars of commitment: a responsible economy, a trusted company, digital equality and the environment. For each of them, action levers have been determined and reflect the variety of projects carried out by Orange : connectivity for all, digital solidarity, the development of the circular economy... It means moving from the reason for being to “the reason for acting” which we bring together here in Reunion under the banner #Nouléansamb, translation of the Engage 2025 strategic plan. From now on, this is what guides our actions.

How corporate purpose and corporate social responsibility connect ?
CSR does not necessarily need a reason for being. You can define an environmental and social policy without asking yourself any existential questions. But as I mentioned, the reason for being sheds light on corporate social responsibility in its different dimensions. Thanks to her, we know who we are and where we are going.

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