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Tuesday 25 February 2025

Extension of certain hiring assistance : opportunities that businesses must seize


To compensate for the various impacts of the health crisis, particularly economic and organizational, the administration recently extended several temporary financial aid packages, linked or not to this crisis. Walter France's Social working group provides instructions for using these main aids. The objective is clear : maintain an attractive job market, revitalize the activity of businesses and associations, and maintain an acceptable level of unemployment in France.

Apprenticeship contract and professionalization contract
Aid for hiring young people on work-study programs is extended. The end date initially planned for December 31, 2021 has therefore been postponed to June 30, 2022.. So, and under conditions, any work-study contract concluded between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2022 inclusive will be able to benefit from this financial assistance. The aid amounts of up to 8,000 euros per recruitment and all the conditions for benefiting from this particular aid are unchanged..

Professionalization contract for the long-term unemployed
In continuation of the development of work-study, the government has put in place exceptional aid for the recruitment of long-term job seekers under professionalization contracts of up to 8,000 euros. Eligible employees are those who were registered as job seekers in category 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, or 8 on the date of conclusion of the contract – and who have accumulated at least 12 months (365 days) registration in category 1, 2 or 3 (immediately available, without activity or having carried out professional activity for a maximum duration of 78 hours per month and subject to positive job search acts) in the last 15 months.

The contracts concerned
This concerns contracts concluded with a long-term job seeker aged at least 30 years between November 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022 inclusive. (for those under 30, the exceptional assistance for hiring employees under professionalization contracts previously described applies). Also contracts concluded with a long-term job seeker regardless of their age between July 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022 inclusive..

Payment of aid
The aid is paid for the first year of execution of each professionalization contract preparing :
– a diploma or professional qualification of a level equivalent to the highest level 7 of the national nomenclature of professional certifications (master, engineering degree, etc.) ;
– to a CQP (professional qualification certificate) ;
– as well as for experimental contracts concluded pursuant to VI of article 28 of law no. 2018-771 of September 5, 2018.

Aid management and monitoring
They are entrusted to Pôle emploi. The aid will be paid every three months of execution of the contract by the ASP (service and payment agency) for professionalization contracts for long-term job seekers under 30 years old (between November 1, 2021 and July 1, 2022) ; by Pôle Emploi for professionalization contracts for long-term job seekers over 30 years old (between November 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022) and long-term job seekers aged under 30 (between July 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022)

The free employment system is extended for one more year, i.e. until December 31, 2022. This system consists of financial assistance for the recruitment of people residing in priority areas of the city. As a reminder, the amount of this aid can go up to 15,000 euros over 3 years for eligible employees. The conditions for granting the device would remain unchanged. It is specified that the exceptional increase in Emplois Francs aid for employees under the age of 26 was, as for her, completed on June 1, 2021.

Deposit terms
Just like help regarding the hiring of young people on work-study contracts, the employer must send the professionalization contract that he has concluded with a long-term job seeker to the Skills Operator (OPCO) competent in his sector of activity for instruction, financial support and submission of these contracts to the services of the ministry in charge of professional training. Pôle Emploi will notify the decision to grant the aid to the beneficiary employer and will inform them of the terms of payment of the aid. Information relating to the employee and the payment of his salary will be transmitted via the nominative social declaration (DSN) in the absence of, based on pay slips sent by the employer.

Young innovative companies
The status of a young innovative company (IF) allows a small or medium-sized business to carry out research and development expenses of at least 15% of its tax-deductible expenses, to benefit from tax advantages and social exemptions. This JEI status ended until his eighth birthday.. The duration of the benefit of this status being considered too short in relation to the duration of obtaining the results of R activities&D, the 2022 Finance Law now provides for the extension of the JEI status during the first 10 years of the company's existence, i.e. until the 11th anniversary of the company. The exemption from employer social charges on remuneration paid to staff participating in research in JEIs has not been modified, the extension provided for by the 2022 Finance law currently has no impact on social contributions. But beware, as the texts stand, exemptions from social charges are not extended after the seven-year period.

Employment and disability
Assistance in Mobilizing Employers to Hire Disabled Workers (AMEETH) of 4,000 euros ended on December 31, 2021. On the other hand, aid of 4,000 euros for the recruitment of an apprentice with a disability is still active. Assistance in hiring a young person under an Employment Initiative Contract (CIE Youth) consisting of support which may amount to 47% of the minimum wage, and concerning the hiring of young people under 26 years old (or 30 years inclusive if recognized as a disabled worker), is still applicable.

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