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Monday 10 March 2025

Nearly one in two employees is considering a career change


While the tenth edition of the National Professional Retraining Day was held on November 4, the French Franchise Federation surveyed employees, in collaboration with Opinion Way, to take the pulse of the desire to undertake in France. She's still strong.

Over the past five years, two million workers changed jobs : quest for meaning or desire to take on new challenges… But does entrepreneurship still make the French dream? ? What are the main fears and major obstacles to starting a business? ? Who will be the entrepreneurs of tomorrow ? The study reveals that the phenomenon is not slowing down, since two out of three employees (66 %) say they are concerned about a professional change, and more than a third of the assets (37 %) has ever considered becoming their own boss. In the age of plural careers, retraining is now part of career paths : the study proves that, among those who have considered or would like to retrain (48 %), 19% have already passed the milestone and are in the process of retraining, when another quarter of them are seriously considering it and have a clear idea of ​​their project. On the podium, those under 35 are particularly interested in retraining : 60% are planning a career change, compared to only 31% among employees aged 50 and over. Employees undergoing retraining express a strong desire for autonomy and often aspire to become their own boss : 37% of them say they have already considered or undertaken a retraining with this in mind. Here again, this wish is particularly strong among the younger generations : almost six out of ten employees under 35 (59 %) compared to only 19% among those aged 50 and over.

Lack of resources and under-information

But professional retraining still faces several challenges : nine out of ten respondents consider themselves hampered in their desire for change ! 65% say they lack the resources to get started. If the lack of financial means makes everyone agree (33% position it in first position), 24% say they do not have a specific project or are not sure of their project. Among the brakes, lack of self-confidence (for 26% of respondents) or the feeling of being too old to retrain (25% of respondents) and fear of returning to studies or training (pour 22 %) are pointed. Often more cautious, women particularly emphasize the lack of financial means compared to men (respectively 38% and 28%) and the potential risk of a career change (29% versus 24% of men). The lack of information on the steps necessary to create a business in France is also glaring : only one in three respondents (33 %) indicates being well informed on the subject, when more than a quarter of them (28 %) admit to not being at all informed about the measures to follow.

The franchise, a safe option

Employees primarily favor self-entrepreneurship for 37% of respondents, option followed closely by the franchise (22 %) and clearly ahead of the launch of a start-up, which instead appears at the very bottom of the list (9 %). Franchising appears to be an interesting solution, even more for women (26% compared to 18% among their male counterparts) and popular categories (23% compared to 20% of wealthy categories), who see it as a safe option. Franchising is therefore seen as a stable and reassuring solution by allowing the franchisee to benefit from the expertise of the franchisor., offering both autonomy and security, also compared to other paths such as social entrepreneurship or business takeover, notes the French Franchise Federation.

Study carried out by OpinionWay from October 24 to 28, 2024 by self-administered questionnaire, from a panel of 1,319 people, representative of the population of company employees aged 18 and over using the quota method.

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