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Tuesday 4 March 2025

People In : the recruitment springboard without a CV that gives everyone a chance


Founded by Élodie Sarfati in 2017, People In is a digital skills testing platform that allows you to pre-select candidates without a CV. Goal : promote inclusive and ethical recruitment, open to all profiles.

Nearly eight out of ten VSE and SME owners face hiring difficulties. By offering new preselection solutions to recruiters, People In aims to be a response to the changes facing the current world of work. Skills tests contribute to the creation of a digitalized professional situation and the evaluation of cognitive skills in the candidate. So, companies obtain a greater diversity of talents in their pre-selection and give all profiles the opportunity to take the test. “My idea was to offer a tool that helps both companies and candidates, by adapting to new generations, those who change, evolve, are trained online, and who are sometimes left on the sidelines, lack of a readable CV, when we need them”, explains Élodie Sarfati.

Exercises adapted to the sector of activity
People In is aimed at companies recruiting at least two equivalent positions per year, and who wish to prioritize the study of skills over that of the CV. A scenario test is possible for all business structures. It is particularly suitable for positions with strong soft skills (commercial, relation client, sale, assistantship, project management, understanding of risks, etc.). The People In teaching team of engineers works on creating exercises adapted to all types of sectors. These exercises become real scenarios : a written context, audio or video is provided to the candidate in order to immerse them in a professional world. Depending on the skills sought, he has to answer questions, write emails, make customer calls (and therefore record yourself by voice or video), prioritize your day, indicate your preferences, etc.

How it works ?
People In offers businesses three subscription levels (standard, business et premium), ranging from 490 euros to 990 euros per month. Recruiters have access to a dashboard that allows them to manage different applications. They have access to all the features of the platform. In one place, companies can evaluate and follow up with candidates, as well as extract data from them (informations, test results, etc.). The candidates have, them, access to tests via a URL link which is posted on the job offer. These job offers are shared on different job boards, as well as on People In’s social networks. When the candidate arrives on the test page, he just needs to authenticate, which allows the recruiter to contact him later. Result ? “70% of our clients confirm that they would not have accepted the candidate if they had seen their CV, so they hired him and are very happy with him. »

After working for a few years in the communications sector, Élodie Sarfati created her first business at age 25. Holder of a DUT in journalism, a degree in history and a master’s degree in organization and ethics, she later resumed studies in psychology. Long considered a profile with an atypical career path, the founder of People In is convinced that normality is, on the contrary, found in the diversity of backgrounds. Voluntary and convinced to act in favor of social justice, she took on the challenge of helping companies pre-select candidates for hire in a different way, without CV.

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