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Tuesday 25 February 2025

OSR Sécurité challenges prejudices


These are the prejudices that affect the inhabitants, young people who are failing at school in particular, of what we call “neighborhoods”. For having known them also in their youth, the leaders of OSR Security, today the largest private security company in Reunion, offers these young people a chance for professional integration through security professions. And it works.

Ahmad Hamady, Director of Operational Services
Meeting, Mayotte and Metropolis

Behind the security guard in an impeccable uniform monitoring the aisles of a shopping center, behind the attendant at the Screening Inspection Station (PIF) airport, i.e. behind functions requiring complete trust, there was perhaps, a few years ago… a boy and a girl with no qualifications who didn’t know what they were going to become. “Professional integration”, it is, with “professionalism”, another key word from Younes Bahala, Managing Director of OSR Security, to explain the company’s proactive approach to recruitment. Strong on its territorial base, OSR Sécurité reaches out to young people who are failing at school and offers them the opportunity to acquire a job. Leaving his natural discretion, the security company revealed in our columns, four months ago, having won the security contract for the largest water treatment plant in Europe in mainland France. Today it is another aspect of her activity that she reveals. A well-known aspect of those involved in professional integration in Reunion – Job Center, Local Missions, associations, etc. – who are its partners. OSR Sécurité wants to raise awareness, not only his professions, but those who exercise them.

Job dating in the neighborhoods
The company is at all job fairs, of all events affecting professional integration. She receives young people, and less young, looking for training and work during job dating. But OSR Sécurité goes further by going directly into the neighborhoods. “We want to help young people who are motivated and who want to get out of it. We have been organizing job dating in the neighborhoods for around ten years. We try to put together two per year. All those who wish are welcome. We explain to them what we do and how, them too, could integrate security professions” explains Younes Bahala. OSR Security goes through associations and Local Missions. Information circulates. Word of mouth works in full force. Parents bring their children. The last OSR Sécurité job dating took place last year at Le Chaudron in Saint-Denis. “Everyone should have a chance, says Younes Bahala. Young people who are not attracted to security professions, we direct them towards other professions, maintenance of green spaces, the building, professional cleaning, we give them the contacts of companies that are in the same integration process as us. »

A journey in several stages
Next comes a more in-depth interview with the candidates, “to ensure their good morals” warns Younes Bahala. The regulatory framework for security professions requires it. A clean criminal record and good morals are the keys to obtaining the prior professional card, essential to be able to follow the Prevention and Safety Agent training (APS) which lasts five weeks. Training provided by approved partner training centers. At stake, a diploma giving right to the APS professional card. This is renewed every five years with a MAC APS (Maintaining and Updating Security Agent Skills) which is mandatory recycling. These cards are issued by the CNAPS (National Council for Private Security Activities), service of the Ministry of the Interior. During training, the profiles of candidates are studied to determine the type of mission that, within security, seems to suit them best. Thus newcomers arrive on the ground in the best conditions, supervised by the “elders”. They will be able to build a career and climb the ladder within the OSR Security organization., like Ahamad Hamady, from the Cauldron, became the company's number two in charge of managing its operational services for Reunion Island, Mayotte and the Metropolis, i.e. some 800 people to manage in these three theaters of operations.


I am from Le Chaudron and I am 27 years old. It was through my military service at the RSMAR that I joined OSR Sécurité in 2017. I already had a Bac Pro Safety Prevention, and a stint at university, arriving at RSMAR in 2016. I was assigned as an assistant instructor for security guard training, one of the RSMAR training courses. When OSR Security came to the barracks to recruit, I obviously applied and I was accepted. There I had real experience in the field of Prevention and Safety Agent and Fire Safety Agent. Ensuite, I evolved in the company. Today I have a controller function : I visit the sites to check the quality of our services and the satisfaction of our customers. If needed, I help teams improve their systems. I immediately integrated well at OSR Sécurité. I know other security companies and I can tell you there is a difference. The most, I see it in the way of working, human contact within the company, and in the professional means implemented.


I am Camellias, I am 26 years old. I have been working at OSR Sécurité for a year. I showed up for the OSR Security job dating event at the 2021 Job Fair. I applied as a security guard. I had a Baccalaureate in Communication and Human Resources Management and a BTS in Assistant Manager. I hadn't found anything interesting so far.. They hired me as an operations agent. I started in physical and telephone reception to familiarize myself with the job before benefiting from a Prodiat contract, a professionalization contract with tailor-made support from a tutor in the company. With this additional training and qualification, I was able to evolve. Today I am responsible for the schedules of airport security officers and our SEVESO sites.. I also collaborate in human resources management. What characterizes the company, I think it’s listening, availability, attention to people. I was very well received. Whenever I need advice, is there someone who can answer me. It helped me a lot to evolve. A year ago, I never would have imagined what I do today.


I am from Saint-André, I am 35 years old. I started as a chocolatier and ice cream pastry chef. Then I scattered. But I wanted to work. I passed the Professional Qualification Certificate for Prevention and Safety Agent. I started with vacations, odd jobs, until I applied to OSR Security. I've been there for three years. I trained on all positions, all sites : security guard, guarding, back-of-the-counter agent in large areas, etc. OSR Sécurité trusted me and I responded to this trust. I now work as an operations agent with management. : customer management, agent schedule… I couldn’t dream of better. At OSR Security, there is listening to customers but also that of agents. Managers travel to the field. They respect a job well done. With them, it’s give and take. When you give of yourself, they give back. They judge the work, not the environment or the place where we come from. They gave me my chance.

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