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Friday 7 March 2025

Orange Cybersecure, a first barrier of protection for businesses


Launched in June, the Cybersecure portal allows anyone to check the legitimacy of a site for free, of a link, an email or text message that seems suspicious. For Orange Livebox and Sosh la Boîte customers, Orange Cybersecure also offers a paid pack (€7 per month), sans engagement, to secure up to 10 devices in the home (computers, mobiles, tablets) against malicious messages. An offer also adapted to the protection needs of small and medium-sized businesses. Sébastien Herniote's explanations, director of the consulting and audit activity of Orange Cyberdefense in the Indian Ocean zone.

What observation did Orange use to design this innovative service? ?

Cyber ​​threat level, the one that touches each of us closest, i.e. phishing. Suspicious links received by email, but also more and more often by SMS, are all phishing attempts. Orange Cybersecure was initiated from this observation. This is a service offered by Orange. Orange Cyberdefense participated in its development by mobilizing its intelligence capabilities and data on cyber threats. And Orange Cyberdefense, which achieved a billion euros in turnover last year, is the European leader in cybersecurity. This is what underpins the relevance of this new service..

Suspicious links are the first front of the cyber threat ?

Yes. Many things start there. The Cybersecure portal constitutes a first barrier of protection. Another virtue of Orange Cybersecure is to show how cybersecurity is everyone’s business. Each user, by entering suspicious email addresses or SMS messages he receives, enriches the suspect database. Users help each other. Orange Cybersecure is a collective response that strengthens the mutual security of citizens.

Do we know the number of fraudulent links already listed by the database? ?

We think in terms of billions. The information we have is beyond belief. Imagine if cybercrime were a state, it would currently be the third world power in terms of GDP, behind the United States and China !

Orange also offers an Orange Cybersecure pack to secure up to ten devices. What does this security consist of? ?

The Orange Cybersecure pack is at a second level of protection. It is aimed at Orange customers who want to protect up to ten devices against phishing attempts., unwanted calls, the different frauds that we encounter on the Internet. They are systematically reported and blocked. This offer also includes a specific assistance service. This is another innovation. Cyber ​​specialists can be reached by telephone, without an appointment, seven days on seven, to answer questions, to concerns.
The message from Orange Cybersecure is clear : you have a concern ? Call us, we will be able to “remove doubt”, to use an expression from cybersecurity jargon. The Orange Cybersecure pack is available in our Orange stores.

Small businesses, liberal professions, can they benefit from the Orange Cybersecure pack ?

The pack is also aimed at the market segment of small businesses who need to protect devices as part of their professional activities.. This is a distinct offer from Orange Cyberdefense’s business offer., since it is offered by Orange, but it completes it usefully.

Sébastien Herniote

According to you, has a cyber reflex been taken locally in the economic environment ?

Orange Cyberdefense has been established in Reunion for four years, I see an awareness of the local economic fabric, public and private.
This awareness is increasing with the approaching regulatory injunctions, with the news of hacks and their consequences. There are cybersecurity flagships locally, particularly well-secured organizations and businesses.
I take the example of the local hospital group with which we have worked closely for four years.. It is its very good level of preparation which allowed it to limit the consequences of the 2023 attack. NOW, is the general security level on the ground still too low? ? I answer yes. The economic fabric of smaller structures has not yet invested sufficiently in cybersecurity.

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