On the occasion of European Sustainable Development Week, end of September, Deal presented ODDetT (Sustainable Development Objective and Territory): an innovative application which provides Reunion Islanders with information on sustainable development on a local and national scale.
This application designed in Reunion provides encrypted data, regularly updated graphs and maps that allow you to monitor and understand the progress of the 17 sustainable development goals established by the UN. The representations provided by ODDetT are easily readable and reusable. The data compiled on the website https://oddett.lab.sspcloud.fr can constitute a source of information for many professionals. The 17 objectives are broken down into 100 territorial indicators of sustainable development, including the number of wastewater treatment plants per department, life expectancy by gender, the mode of movement of the population, the share of non-graduates among those over 20… The graphs can easily be integrated into a report, in a presentation or study, citing the source.