21 C
Sunday 2 March 2025

Indian Ocean


Press freedom on the decline
In the region

The 2021 ranking of press freedom in the world, compiled by Reporters Without Borders, shows a decline in the countries of the southwest of the Indian Ocean, with the notable exception of Seychelles. 57th, Madagascar loses three places. “The precariousness of Malagasy journalists and media makes them particularly vulnerable to the influence of businessmen and political leaders, who own numerous press organs », estimates RSF. Mauritius loses five places and ranks 61st in the ranking. “The media landscape is highly polarized and remains very marked by the influence of personalities from the political or economic world who ensure its financing or promotion”, comments RSF while national radio and television too often confuse information and propaganda. The decline is even clearer for the Comoros, in 84th place (-9 places). “The political tensions which marked the constitutional referendum of 2018 and the re-election of President Azali Assoumani in 2019 were accompanied by a significant and unusual increase in attacks on press freedom, forcing Comorian journalists to leave the territory for their own safety and foreign journalists to leave the archipelago after being arrested”, reminds RSF. Vice versa, Seychelles jumps 11 places and appears in 52nd position, best ranked country in the region. “Self-censorship reflexes (…) dissipate little by little, making room for a diversity of opinions and greater editorial freedom for journalists”, according to RSF, and “public media are increasingly freeing themselves from the very strong influence of the State”. France is 34th (stable) of this ranking of which Norway remains the champion.

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