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Sunday 2 March 2025

#Nouleansamb : Orange Réunion Mayotte’s reason for action


June 15 promises to be a date to be marked with a milestone for Orange Réunion Mayotte. Orange will be a little more Orange from that day on. The reason ? The leading telecoms operator has chosen to shed light on its identity and its action in a new light symbolized by a unifying term, unifying, which we will now find on all his messages, all his communications : in Réunion #Nouleansamb and in Mayotte (in shimoré) #Wassnawass. “From the reason for being to the reason for acting” : thus Orange Réunion Mayotte reflects this paradigm shift. This is a significant evolution of the way Orange Réunion Mayotte now intends to be positioned. No longer just as a successful technology company, but also as an entrepreneur of social links through the best of digital links. And as a cutting-edge eco-responsible company, at the origin of innovative initiatives, involved in Corporate Social Responsibility with, notably, the Orange Foundation. #Nouleansamb becomes Orange Réunion Mayotte’s reason for action. And it is a little-known aspect of the company that is revealed. The multiplicity and diversity of its societal commitments define Orange Réunion Mayotte as much as its range of products and services.. It should be noted that employees, very involved in the company's social action, also carry this image change project. A major advertising campaign reaffirms this positioning from June 15 in the Reunion landscape. in parallel, the presentation of the company's commitments is distributed in the form of a brochure in Orange stores and gives rise to a new section on the Orange Réunion site. Jean-Marc Escalettes, CEO of Orange Réunion, reveals to us, in preview, most of the content.

Smartstore Orange du Port

« #Nouleansamb, from the reason for being to the reason for acting” : through this message, Orange Réunion Mayotte is redefining its activity by promoting its social as well as economic dimension. Is this a watchword?, of a profession of faith ?

To answer you, I quote the #Nouleansamb editorial which summarizes the meaning of our current approach first of all in the form of an observation : “The crises we are going through, whether it is global warming, of the increase in social injustices and of course the current pandemic have demonstrated that governments cannot solve everything and that the solution is also in the hands of private actors. Reunion Islanders no longer only consider the quality of products and services, prices or even communication. They now expect companies and telecommunications operators like us that they also intervene on societal and environmental issues. » The conclusion to be drawn, is that publicly affirming that we are a committed and responsible company is one thing, taking action on a daily basis and getting things done is another… At Orange, we prioritize actions over words, and our strategic plan for the next five years includes unprecedented commitments in the areas of digital inclusion and the environment on which we are actively working to better serve and help the people of Reunion Island.. We want to make it known.

What concrete actions does #Nouleansamb cover? ?

#Nouleansamb is the name of the communication campaign that we are launching on June 15 to show all Reunion Islanders, grand public, professionals, partners, who we are and what we achieve. A travers #Nouleansamb, we will regularly take stock of the implementation of our commitments through concrete examples. Extend mobile and fixed networks to the most remote areas of the island, so as not to forget anyone. Welcoming our general public and business customers to our stores in the best conditions. Helping all audiences to experience digital well and thus reducing the digital divide. Enabling the digital inclusion of the most precarious, the disabled and the elderly. Supporting the training and professional integration of young people, including through sport and football in particular. Support all our work-study students and interns towards sustainable integration into the world of work in Reunion or elsewhere. Or take care of our island by reducing the electricity consumption of our network during the night.

Network extension in remote areas implies a commitment to network quality. This quality has always been Orange’s strong point. Where are you on this plan? ?

Our customer promise is based on the deployment and operation of efficient and reliable networks, and it works ! For the third consecutive year, Orange Réunion is leader in 2020 in the quality of mobile services, for 19 criteria out of 22 measured, according to ARCEP : #1 on flow rates, #1 in video broadcast quality, #1 on successful communications, etc. Our promise, it also means doing everything on a daily basis to ensure that infrastructures are restored as quickly as possible when a malfunction occurs.. Each day, 270 intervention technicians, i.e. a third of Orange’s workforce in Reunion, are mobilized to solve fixed and mobile connectivity problems, often common, sometimes more complicated. Our teams and their partners carry out more than 140,000 interventions per year !

Unlike other operators, Orange Réunion-Mayotte defends the model of a physical presence through a network of stores. For you, helping to live well in digital continues to necessarily involve contact with sellers ?

Yes, it’s a matter of human relations and proximity. Rather than sellers, we talk at Orange about “advisors”. Orange’s ambition, it is to offer its customers an experience that can be lived and felt. This experience begins as soon as you enter the store, where a pilot is responsible for welcoming visitors, to collect the reason for their visit and inform them of the waiting time. Even before this contact, it is the possibility for the customer to reserve a time slot online. Before his visit, an advisor calls him to discuss his needs and confirm his appointment, in order to be ready and as efficient as possible on D-day. The customer is guaranteed to be taken care of in less than five minutes upon arrival. We are talking about a customer relationship based on attention, the sense of service, availability, listening, empathy. Without this quality customer relationship, the digital experience cannot be complete. For us, being an operator is not only about offering digital solutions to general public and professional customers, it also means supporting them in their daily uses. By discussing their needs with them. By directing them towards the services best suited to their expectations. By helping them in case of problems…

For professionals, how does this commitment translate? ?

The Orange commitment for professionals, this is obviously the proven quality and reliability of its networks. It is also the ability to offer individualized and tailor-made solutions.. Orange corporate agency teams advise 30,000 customers, all sectors of activity and all sizes combined, from small business creators to SMEs and start-ups taking their first steps, without forgetting large organizations such as communities. Beyond the digital solutions we offer, we develop proactive and human advice favoring proximity and attention. This starts with understanding how they operate and their expectations. This first discussion lays the foundations of our relationship. Our role is then to ensure that our customers are satisfied with the tools we provide to them and to offer them new solutions according to their needs.. Each professional customer has personalized support. A relationship of trust is created and generates greater proximity, to the point of becoming a friendly relationship in some cases.

#Nouleansamb highlights a little-known part of Orange, its social action through, especially, the Orange Foundation.
However, it has been active for a long time in Reunion. Can you present this foundation and its action? ?

Orange Entreprise advises 30,000 customers

The social utility of a large company, it is first of all to offer good products and services to its customers, quality jobs for its employees, and commercial opportunities for its suppliers. But some see beyond their economic impact alone., this is the case of Orange which, through its Foundation, has been committed for more than 30 years to making digital a factor of equal opportunities. In Reunion and Mayotte, Every year, the Orange Foundation provides human and financial resources to dozens of associations working in the field, such as Webcup., Guardian, Solidarnum, l’ALEFPA, Lantant Maloya… Its actions range from education to culture, including health and disability., with digital as the red thread. If we give ourselves the means, digital can be a decisive equal opportunity factor, able to help excluded people find work, to create vocations for the professions of the future, or to give those who need it better access to education and health.

How the Orange Foundation works ?

It's simple : calls for projects are regularly organized, open to all associations carrying initiatives linked to the priorities of the Foundation. Two to four times a year, a committee of experts selects promising projects, to which subsidies amounting to thousands or even tens of thousands of euros are allocated. But his support is not just financial : Orange employees in Reunion and Mayotte are often the main actors in this commitment. Let them be active, interns or retirees, Through the Foundation, they can sponsor associations that are close to their hearts or of which they are voluntary members.. In some cases, a skills sponsorship system even allows them to take time out of their working time to devote themselves to an associative activity.

Some examples of the forms this support takes ?

The Orange Foundation is particularly active in the sphere of disability. In the meeting, this resulted in participation in two projects of the ALEFPA association : in 2017, the creation of a video platform to highlight the skills of autistic people and encourage their recruitment by companies ; in 2019, the Foundation helped finance the development of a touch screen specially designed to improve the learning of people with autism. Another example, social and professional integration thanks to digital tools. The Orange Foundation is at the origin of four Digital Houses : two in Reunion with the Solidarnum association, and two in Mayotte with Mlezi. The objective of these Houses is to develop the autonomy of women and facilitate their professional retraining or business creation projects., often in partnership with Pôle Emploi. The Digital Houses have already welcomed around forty women wishing to train in new technologies. Some, in Mayotte, benefit at the same time from support in learning French. Also aimed at young people, numerous actions have been carried out by the Orange Foundation in partnership with local Missions. One of the most recent consisted of creating, with a local start-up, a career discovery journey with a virtual reality headset, to help young people find their way. In the same way, the Orange Foundation supported the creation of a WebTV by the Second Chance School of Reunion Island, and participated in the organization of a robotics workshop with the Park Numérique association in Mayotte. The Orange Foundation also launched four solidarity Fablabs in Reunion. With the Webcup and Sciences Réunion associations, these spaces organize digital workshops with cutting-edge tools such as 3D printers. They offer activities all year round, especially during school holidays.

Discovery of professions thanks to virtual reality

Part of the population, especially people of a certain age, have difficulty mastering digital tools... They feel like they are from another era. How to show them they are wrong ?

Digital Workshops

Orange and its employees are fully committed to digital equality among local populations. Through its volunteer employee program, Orange is also setting up free digital workshops to support all audiences, Orange customers or not, in their uses of digital. First organized within the local network of Orange stores, these group lessons of approximately one hour have been accessible free online since 2020. We also have the Autonomy range which highlights equipment and services specially designed for seniors or those with disabilities.. These are packages, applications, mobiles, landline telephones or even connected objects that simplify life. for example, the smartphone dedicated to visually impaired people or the Facilotab application which allows you to transform your Android tablet into a simplified tablet for beginner seniors. This range takes on even more meaning at a time when keeping in touch with loved ones has become essential..

The new technology sector is increasingly being questioned for its impact on the environment. What is Orange Réunion-Mayotte’s response in this area? ?

Orange is recruiting young talents

This month we are launching the “re” program which is based on three pillars : recycling, recovery and conditioning. Orange Réunion Mayotte follows in the footsteps of Orange France, the only operator in Europe to have deployed a collection and recycling network for mobiles. In partnership with Emmaüs Réunion, the recovery allows you to give a second life to the mobile and one euro is paid to the Emmaüs Réunion network for each recovery. Finally, as an alternative to buying a new phone, Orange offers a range of refurbished phones for sale. We are the first to do it. Each Orange store has a space dedicated to the “re” program where you can get information and discover these products.. We also act on controlling electricity consumption. It’s one of our workhorses.. We have developed new features that allow certain underused equipment to be put to sleep between midnight and 4 a.m., when traffic is less dense, while maintaining the same quality of service. This intelligent system has already made it possible to reduce the energy consumption of networks in Reunion and Mayotte by 8%..

Orange Réunion has always been a provider of jobs, especially for young people. Do you continue to recruit despite the context of the health crisis? ?

Sale, engineering, technique, marketing or even finance…Orange is one of the largest employers in Reunion and Mayotte. Despite the health context, we are staying the course and consolidating our commitment to the integration of young people with nearly 6,5% of work-study contracts in 2021, compared to a proportion of 5% for all of Orange France. Today, there are nearly 57 young people on work-study programs working within Orange Réunion Mayotte, with profiles ranging from Bac+2 to Bac+5. And the results are there : 80% of work-study students find work straight away, whether within Orange or in another company. We are also recruiting young talents from Reunion for cybersecurity professions within our Cyberdéfense agency., newly established on the island. Our action in favor of employment also involves the feminization of our professions. Our actions made it possible to achieve a female recruitment rate of 57% in 2020. We intervene from high school to show that technical and scientific orientations are not reserved for men. Our workshops called “Dare to be feminine ! », our personal development training courses for women, have a real impact. Today women represent 33% of the management committees of Orange Réunion Mayotte. Our goal is to reach 50% as quickly as possible.

Smartstore Orange Chatel (St Denis)

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