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Tuesday 4 March 2025

Better understand the professions that are recruiting in Reunion


France Travail focuses on innovative solutions for sustainable recruitment. The idea is to open the doors of companies to job seekers to allow them to meet professionals and discover the reality of the trades. The director of France work La Réunion deciphers, for us, Two platforms available to employers.

Professional immersion : Test professions
The Regional Director of France Work, Olivier Pelvoizin, calls for local businesses : "Open your doors, make your professions known ! »Easy immersion is a digital platform, A dematerialized service from France Work, which is aimed at both job seekers and companies. Facilitated immersion gives the former the first to discover the reality of a business in a company, in order to realize whether their professional project is the right or not. The platform has existed for two years at the national level. It already mobilizes a large and increasing number of companies and job seekers locally. France Work Reunion wishes to give it more echo to accelerate the movement. "The facilitated immersion service offers the possibility of testing talents in real conditions : Employers are able to determine their professional skills more effectively, their motivations, but also their soft skills. Candidates, them, are more able to confirm or deny their professional project after benefiting from an immersion period ", summarizes Olivier Pelvoizin, Regional Director of France Work.

12,000 contacts in Reunion
The digital platform simplifies as much as possible the connection between companies and candidates for immersion. In a few clicks, Employers reference their business, present their trades and their recruitment needs, via a digital form. Information is made accessible to candidates. The contact is made directly. Professional immersion, governed by the Labor Code, usually lasts one to two weeks. Local companies play the game. Reunion is even one of the regions most connected to the platform. In mid-October, They were 1,736 referenced, and 12,000 contacts had taken place. Thirty new companies join her every month, All business sectors are represented and 80 % of immersion requests are accepted.

Myjobglasses.re : Reunionese ambassadors by trade
Another form of solidarity of professionals in the face of guidance difficulties : Fifteen days after its launch, October 1st, The Myjobglasses platform.. This platform, private this one gives the possibility to students or young job seekers to exchange online (or face -to -face if the distance allows) with employers and volunteer employees on their profession, their experience, their training, And if the current passes to establish a support relationship. The commitment of "ambassadors", modular, can range from two meetings to more than ten contacts per month. It is, here again, At France Work Reunion, With the financial assistance of the Reunion region, that we owe this initiative, In partnership with the French start-up My Job Glasses. "I myself am a business ambassador, In contact with a young buffer who doubts the studies he has done and wonders about a conversion in the Insertion Council ", testifies Olivier Pelvoizin, who invites "all the companies concerned with sharing their trades, their values, their projects, to encourage their employees to testify via this platform ”.

France pro work : The co -construction of the support

Four in ten recruitments are made through France work in Reunion, where the satisfaction rate of local businesses vis-à-vis the services of the public establishment is higher than the national average (91,5 % against 86,9 %). How to go further, in particular "towards companies that do not work with us" ? This is the purpose of France Pro PRO, which aims to strengthen the offer of services for companies.


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