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Wednesday 22 January 2025

Maurice | Mauritius and China in the era of free trade


Initialed in October 2019 in Beijing, the free trade agreement between Mauritius and China entered into force on January 1, 2021. Mauritius now benefits from immediate duty-free access to the Chinese market for 7,504 tariff lines of goods. Les droits sur 723 lignes tarifaires supplémentaires seront progressivement supprimés dans les prochaines années et Maurice pourra exporter vers la Chine à des conditions favorables jusqu’à 50 000 tonnes de sucre. Barriers are also lifted in many service sectors (finances, information technology, health…).Maurice est le premier pays de l’ensemble africain à ouvrir ainsi les bras à la Chine, thus becoming for the latter a bridgehead to the vast developing continent.

Tourism : the crisis in figures

Annual statistics on arrivals in Mauritius bear witness to the violence of the crisis in the tourism sector. Seulement 279 325 voyageurs étrangers ont été comptabilisés en 2020 à l’aéroport de Plaisance, soit une chute de 79% par rapport à l’année précédente. After an encouraging start to the year and increasing arrivals in January and February, the almost total closure of Mauritian borders has resulted in an equivalent drying up of the tourist flow. The half-open doors of the island from August, with obligation to respect a strict and costly quarantine, a permis d’accueillir seulement 3 858 visiteurs étrangers au cours des cinq derniers mois de l’année. Over the period, seuls 76 Réunionnais ont entrepris le voyage jusqu’à l’île-sœur.

Diaspora money

Au 3ème trimestre 2020, les Mauriciens établis à l’étranger ont transféré 847 millions de roupies (près de 18 millions d’euros) to their native island. The figure is significantly higher compared to the same period of the previous year (671 millions de roupies). Even if this increase must be put into perspective due to the depreciation of the rupee, qui a perdu près de 20% de sa valeur par rapport à l’euro en un an, money from the diaspora brings a little breath of fresh air to the Mauritian population suffocated by the health crisis. France is the first issuing country of these transfers (241 millions de roupies au 3ème trimestre), in front of the United Kingdom (122 millions).

The "Metro Express" in slow motion

The frequentation of Metro Express Ltd », le tramway mis en service en début d’année 2020 entre Port-Louis et Rose-Hill est tombée de 17 000 voyageurs par jour avant le confinement à 10 000 en fin d’année. The operating losses of the "MEL" are therefore expected to be heavier than expected at the end of its first year of operation.

Real estate, safe investment

Plusieurs acteurs du secteur immobilier mauricien soulignent un net redressement du secteur au deuxième semestre 2020, after containment and the resumption of economic activity. If foreign buyers had to put their investment plans on hold, pending the full and unconditional reopening of the borders, Mauritians seem to have increased interest in stone "by transferring part of their holdings in cash and bonds to real estate", according to a real estate agent quoted by L’Express.

Agaléga : India's project remains unclear

Mauritius opposition continues to question India's intentions, which plans the construction of an airstrip and a jetty on the Mauritian island of Port-Louis, as part of a memorandum of understanding with Port-Louis. In December, the opposition obtained the postponement of a measure requiring a large deposit (plus de 400 000 roupies, soit plus de 8 300 euros) to any visitor to the island. This measure was interpreted as a way of limiting access to Agaléga. A section of Mauritian public opinion fears that India has plans to create a military base on the island, in order to counterbalance Chinese plans for the Indian Ocean.

Bernard Grollier

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