21 C
Thursday 27 February 2025

Non-residential premises : falling constructions


In the same note, the Deal reports a 14% drop in construction authorizations for non-residential premises between July 2020 and June 2021. Over the period, 355,490 m² of non-residential premises have been authorized for construction in Reunion. The biggest declines are recorded in the hotel accommodation sectors (-67%), of commerce (-44%) and public service (-18%). On the other hand, the craft sector shows growth in authorized surface area (+85%) under the effect of the authorization of building permits for some important operations. The decline is of the same order for construction starts., very marked in the hotel accommodation sector (-64%). The craft sectors (+117%) and industry (+325 %) are in very strong progress due to the start of several projects. The office sector (+29%) is also on the rise. Generally, the surfaces concerned being small, the significant variations in percentage should be put into perspective, Deal insists.

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