17.6 C
Sunday 9 March 2025

Inflation at 3,6 %


Over a year, at the end of November 2023, consumer prices increased by 3,6% in Reunion, according to INSEE. The island inflation rate is slightly higher than the national average (3,5 %).

In twelve months, energy prices have increased the most (+10,3 %). This increase is mainly driven by that of electricity prices. (+28,8 %), while the prices of petroleum products increased by 2,1 %. Energy prices are increasing more sharply on the island than nationally (+3,1 %). The second strongest increase is that of food (+7,8 %, against 7,7% nationally. Fresh products have increased much more (+13,2 %) than other food products (+7 %). Services, which represent almost half of household consumption, have for their part seen their prices in Reunion increase by 2,1 %, which is less than at the national level (+2,8 %). The increase is notably due to the increase in the prices of rent and related services (+4, % against +2,6% in France). Tariffs for communication services increased by 2,3 %, while they have retreated at the national level (-4,8 %). Prices of transport services are stable while they are decreasing in France (-1,4 %), those of health services are also stable on the island while they increase in France (+0,4 %). Those of other services increase less sharply than at the national level (+2,5% versus +4,3 %). The rise in manufactured goods, which represent 27% of the local household budget, is the same in Reunion as at the national level (+1,9 %). Note a decrease, in this category : that of health products (-0,4% on the island, -0,8% nationally). Finally, over one year, tobacco prices increased by 4,8% in Reunion (+9,8% in France).

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