17.6 C
Wednesday 22 January 2025

The third Indian Ocean Meetings


Initially planned for May, the third Indian Ocean Meetings take place from June 9 to 11 at MOCA Montgaillard (St Denis) with the support of the European Union and the regional council of Réunion.

This postponement makes it possible to accommodate a larger number of professionals and personalities. The third Indian Ocean Meetings take on particular significance due to the French presidency of the Indian Ocean Commission since May and the desire of the public authorities to make Reunion a pole of attraction at the heart of the Indo-Pacific region.
Decisions will be announced on this occasion. In a few days, a regulatory and action program with regard to the GAFA of the European Union will be made public (kick-off in Paris on May 20). The third Meetings will see the launch of the common market for communication professions for the Indian Ocean bringing together agencies, advertisers, and the media. There will be proclaimed the commitments of the world of communication to create the conditions for sustainable and responsible growth., with in particular the creation of the internationally Connected Francophonie and the White Paper on measures in favor of digital technology, cultural and creative industries on Reunion Island…

60 speakers and experts

Leading personalities will speak, like Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Secretary of State for the Francophonie, to Tourism and French people abroad, Hubert Védrine former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gilles Babinet, president of the National Digital Council, Jean-Louis Etienne, doctor and leader of the Polar Prod project in the Southern Sea, Claire Borotra, actress, Jacques Krabal, deputy and secretary general of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie, Olivier Servat, deputy and president of the Overseas Delegation, Pierre Louette, president of Parisien-Les Echos, Quentin Jagorel , financial inspector and co-author of the report on advertising fairness… Nearly 60 speakers and experts are expected for the event.

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