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Wednesday 26 February 2025

The seven essential skills for business creators


What skills should every business creator develop to ensure success?. The response from Absoluce’s associate accountants.

When a project leader decides to take the plunge and become an entrepreneur, he is generally primarily concerned with his business plan, of his loan negotiation with the bankers, etc. Although these steps are obviously essential, to succeed, at the launch of his activity but also throughout his life as an entrepreneur, he will have to master seven key skills.

Master your strategy
The strategy, it is the way in which we organize ourselves to achieve our objective. But this is often what is missing. A solid organization is the first pillar of success. For that, two recognized tools can help you. The SWOT matrix (forces, weaknesses, risks and opportunities). It's known, everyone does it very well, but how many creators and entrepreneurs then really take it into account in their organization and time management? ? As for the Canvas method, it is structured around nine blocks which make it possible to define its economic model and the organization to be put in place. When the strategy is clear, it involves formalizing it in writing. This will allow us to have a guideline and share it.

Designate your organization
The term “design” makes you think of the visual, to decoration… Design thinking allows you to apply the same approach to a new product or service as that which a creative person would have. The idea is that customer experience is just as important, or even more important, than the product or service itself. “The creator will benefit from thinking about his own “wow effect”, to draw and feel the customer journey in order to ensure visible added value” recommends Romain Froment, accountant at Absoluce.

Have the courage to decide
Before deciding, it’s about getting information and taking advice. Outside of the advice closest to entrepreneurs, such as accountants and lawyers, there are a whole bunch of ecosystems such as incubators which are valuable for surrounding yourself well. “Take expert advice, It's good, but then, the business creator must decide alone, knowing that every decision involves an element of risk. Decide, it’s also knowing how to say no, also to oneself, when you have to concentrate on your priority choices” insists Morgane Marc, accountant at Absoluce.

Manage your priorities
Who has not completed at least once the famous Eisenhower matrix which allows us to identify which tasks are important?, urgent, not important and not urgent ? In a world where the tendency is to do everything urgently, creators who know how to manage their time well have a clear advantage. Manage your time, it is first of all knowing yourself and having identified the moments when you are most productive in order to concentrate on essential tasks. It also means giving yourself the means to decompress and relieve stress..

Cultivate your empathy
Empathy, it is the ability to listen to others and understand their emotions. For that, it’s about listening to what is being said, but also to know how to decode non-verbal signals. To develop a sense of teamwork within the company, this listening skill is essential. Being able to listen to others sincerely is not so common, and yet, with the development of teleworking, reaching out to others is more vital than ever to ensure the support of your team and partners.

Dare to be transparent
Success, it’s 1% vision and 99% coherence. And the vision must be shared : with your associates obviously if you have any, with its banker and its financiers, with its suppliers, ses clients, and all its partners in the broad sense. What is the goal ? What is the strategy ? A success ? Share it. A project that is not progressing as quickly as expected ? Give the information. If you know how to share your vision, your entire eco-system will work in coherence. And who says consistency says efficiency and fulfillment.

Keep it simple
" Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication " : this maxim from Leonardo da Vinci applies wonderfully to business creation. The product or service offering must be simple and the added value immediately perceptible. To understand, practicing and developing these seven skills is an ambitious goal in itself. They will allow the business creator to embody his project with strength and conviction, his best added value being knowing how to express what he is deep within himself.

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