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Tuesday 25 February 2025

Reunion Islanders still like cash


Dematerialized means of payment (mainly bank cards and mobile applications) make a breakthrough on the island : 53% of Reunion Islanders say they prefer payment methods other than cash, according to an Iédom investigation.

The health crisis has contributed to this trend, but less than expected : less than two in ten Reunion Islanders say they have changed their habits following the pandemic. Among these, Reunion Islanders who have adopted other means of payment than cash are three times more numerous than those who have made the opposite choice. The Reunionese appear more conservative than the French, relatively more numerous to report having changed their behavior (44% of respondents). 24% of Reunion residents surveyed say they prefer cash to pay for their purchases in store compared to 14% in mainland France. The people of Reunion still recognize many advantages in them : free, easy to use and widely accepted, they guarantee the anonymity of the transaction. Four in ten respondents also believe they have a clearer overview of their spending by using cash, accessible thanks to a good network of ATMs in the territory. In the meeting, the sources of liquid supply are however more diversified than in mainland France : reserves set up at home (16% of the origins of tickets held on the island), family or friends (7% versus less than 2%). Income received in cash also constitutes a significant source (6% compared to less than 2% in mainland France).

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