The prefecture published at the beginning of November the first delivery of the price monitoring barometer of around sixty consumer products, which will thus be followed every two weeks until the end of the year. This tool, the implementation of which was entrusted to the company Sagis, complements INSEE's monthly measurements and aims to place the prices of some of the most consumed products on the island under surveillance. Their list was developed with retail professionals and the price observatory, margins and member income. On 49 products tracked between October 13 and October 31 in some supermarkets, 26 saw their price unchanged, 12 increased minimally and declines were noted in the remaining 11. In specialized stores (pharmacy, bakery, DIY and auto parts stores), out of 12 products tracked, 7 of the prices collected are stable and 5 are increasing, but the increases are not very significant since they were observed each time at a single point of sale