18.1 C
Saturday 1 March 2025

Prices down by 0,2% in September


A start of decline in consumer prices was noted in September by INSEE in Reunion : -0,2 %. Prices of manufactured goods fell by 1,3 %.

Thanks to the sales, the prices of clothing and shoes have decreased significantly (-6 %), those of health products and other manufactured products too (+0,3 %). Prices of services continued their decline that began the previous month (-0,3% in September). Likewise, food prices fell by 0,2 %. However, increases were recorded in other expenditure items. : rents and related services (+1 %), health services (+0,4 %) and especially energy prices, which increased almost as strongly in September (+4,8 %) than in August (+4,9 %). This increase is mainly due to the increase in petroleum product prices. (+7,6 %). Over a year, consumer prices increased by 3,3% in Reunion, less strongly than for the whole of France (4,9 %). The largest increase recorded over twelve months concerns energy (+16,8 %). Next comes food (7,5 %), tobacco (4,6 %), manufactured products (2,3 %) and services (0,6 %).

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