17 C
Tuesday 11 March 2025

Agricultural households poorer than in mainland France


The average disposable income of Reunionese agricultural households amounted to 43,500 euros in 2020, according to a study by the Ministry of Agriculture carried out on the basis of the last agricultural census.

The monetary poverty rate stands at 42 in Reunion,7% versus 16,Only 2% in all agricultural households in France. This situation varies greatly depending on the composition of the household. : 62,1% of people live below the poverty line when the farmer is alone compared to 41,8% when at least one person is a non-operator. Within these households, agricultural activity is not the only source of income for farmers and their families. So, in 2020, 31% on average of disposable income came from agricultural profits, 46% of other activity income (including unemployment benefits), 8% of pensions, pensions and annuities, 17% of property income and 11% of social benefits. The standard of living increases with the economic size of the farm : limited to 17,000 euros in micro-farms, it can reach 62,800 euros in large. The proportion of people below the monetary poverty line is higher on sugarcane-dominated farms (46,7 %) and horticultural market gardeners (46,5 %).

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