23 C
Tuesday 25 February 2025



Only 42% of Reunionese women worked in 2017, i.e. 8 points less than men, according to INSEE figures published on March 8 on the occasion of Women's Rights Day. This gap has nevertheless decreased in 10 years : it was 13 points in 2007. Reunion Island women are also much less integrated than metropolitan women, 61% of whom have a job. When they are employed, Reunion Island women work significantly more often part-time : 28% compared to 13% of men. Half of these part-time women are in a situation of underemployment suffered : they would like to work more. In addition to reduced working hours, their net hourly salary is lower. They thus affect on average 12,5 euros per hour, against 13,4 euros for men, i.e. a gap of 7% compared to 16% in France. This smaller gap on the island is partly linked to a higher share of public employment, with less unequal pay. otherwise, executive jobs, in which women are paid much less than men (-19%), are less common on the island. Earlier and more frequent parenthood than in mainland France also increases the difficulty of integrating Reunion Island women into the job market.. For those who work, lower wage income increases the risk of financial difficulties. One in five women live alone with their children and 61% of them live below the poverty line. Less often employed, women also rarely occupy positions of responsibility. for example, only a quarter of them run businesses with 10 or more employees, and only a quarter occupy one of the approximately 200 senior management or management jobs in the public service in Reunion.. Furthermore, only 37% of entrepreneurs are women. Women are also less present in politics. In accordance with the application of parity laws, they are now as numerous as men among the elected representatives of local authorities. On the other hand, few of them access the most prestigious positions : 17% women among elected mayors in 2020, no female president within the Region, of the Department, of the three consular chambers or the five communities of communes. Conversely, women are better represented among deputies and senators : five women for six men.

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