Organized by the National Union of Municipal Social Action Centers (UNCCAS), the first overseas solidarity meetings were held in Reunion from November 15 to 17.
Mayors and their solidarity deputies, UNCCAS members, called for a burst of national mobilization and a vast investment and social development plan for overseas territories, with multiple problems : poverty, cost of living, isolation, unemployment, population growth, aging, access to care… Overseas mayors and their CCAS teams are faced with exacerbated social situations that challenge their daily action. Overseas elected officials consider that these distant territories bear the cost of national public policies historically and structurally below the challenges. The overseas solidarity meetings were the starting point of a manifesto proposing concrete solutions to improve living conditions in the territories concerned.. This manifesto was handed over to the Minister Delegate for Overseas Territories during the congress of mayors held in Paris from November 20 to 23..