20.4 C
Tuesday 11 March 2025

Dynamic salaried employment thanks to ETIs


Between 2008 and 2017, 9,500 jobs were created in the commercial sector, hors agriculture, in the meeting, measured INSEE. In all sectors, employment increased except in construction, particularly impacted by the economic crisis of 2007-2008. Mid-sized companies (ETI) and microenterprises contribute the most to the creation of salaried jobs. This growth is the combination of jobs created by long-lasting businesses and a clearly positive balance between jobs generated by newly created businesses and those that have disappeared.. The weight of mid-sized companies in salaried employment increased significantly between 2008 and 2017, going from 16% to 23%. This increase is linked as much to their own dynamics, than the contribution of SMEs becoming mid-caps as a result of category crossing linked to the growth of their workforce. As a reminder, an SME becomes an ETI when it crosses the threshold of 250 employees.
Conversely, microenterprises accounted for a lower share of jobs in 2017 (26% compared to 31% in 2008). Indeed, over the period, many of them change category due to their development or acquisition by larger structures, mainly SMEs. The weight of employment in large companies remains stable over the period.
The West and South employment zones of Reunion alone accounted for three quarters of job creations between 2008 and 2017.. It is in the north of the island that large companies and mid-sized companies are most established.

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