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Saturday 1 March 2025

The health system remodeled by Artificial Intelligence


Health is the first sector soluble in Artificial Intelligence. The whole medical process, from diagnosis to daily monitoring is driven by AI, supported by numerous increasingly precise connectors in their medical statements. The health crisis has accelerated and reshaped the pre-existing system, leaving room for new entrants. Whether they are tech giants, traders or startups, many candidates have positioned themselves, some not hesitating to transfer to become participants in the debate. Which raises questions : who will be the new guarantors of this area traditionally pre-empted by the medical profession ?

Democratization of connected objects in health : Covid-19 will accelerate the generalization of wearables, connected wearable objects, and in particular those of the digital giants. The pandemic has indeed prompted researchers to explore their usefulness in monitoring infectious diseases.. By 2023, the global e-health market could represent $235 billion according to Frost & Sullivan.

American and Chinese tech giants become healthcare players : the ambition displayed by the big names in digital is to set up health monitoring with ancillary services such as individualized and real-time insurance, and this thanks to connected objects and AI. Apple, Tencent, Amazon… Everyone seeks to disintermediate the existing medical system.

Retail and health, the 3-person market,8 trillion dollars : since March 2020, American retail players have become day after day key players in health for millions of American citizens, notably thanks to their involvement in the vaccination campaign. Brands like Walmart, Hooks, Target, invite themselves into the daily lives of consumers, until they become true trusted third parties.
“If the world continues to rely on traditional public health measures to fight the pandemic, Today there are a multitude of connected technologies to accelerate this fight. We are going to enter the world of ambient intelligence, where communicating objects will coordinate to provide us with a service, make our lives easier, making our body a real network of health information in real time” further analyzes Guillaume Rio.

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