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Tuesday 21 January 2025

Commerce and industry in congress


Two distinguished external guests : Rami Baitieh, former executive director of Carrefour for France, and Philippe Goetzmann, expert in commercial and industrial changes. Even more highlights than in 2022, with results of surveys and economic analyzes which will be revealed on this occasion : from its second edition, the Reunion commercial strategies congress, of which Leader Réunion is a partner, is part of the economic landscape of Reunion as the venue for an annual strategic review of the local economy, of his strength, of its weaknesses and its prospects.

The first StartCo Run was held on November 16, 2022. As soon as it closes, it was clear that he had achieved his goal. There was no major meeting in Reunion where economic decision-makers could meet to talk about strategy., to exchange, discuss, make a point. The StartCo Run congress had just shown its relevance in filling this gap. New proof is given this year : while cultivating the atmosphere of proximity and conviviality which has made it successful in 2022, StartCo Run changes dimension from its second edition, as evidenced by the richness of its program and the quality of its speakers. it is confirmation that the congress is today the scale of the need for exchange between economic actors in a territory approaching 900,000 inhabitants. L’ animation will once again be provided by Yves Puget, LSA editorial director, national professional weekly devoted to news and analysis of trends in the food industry and commerce. Observer of economic life, Yves Puget is himself a lecturer.

Phillippe Goetzmann supports manufacturers and distributors in their development.

Nothing but highlights
Armelle Garnier, director of IPSOS Indian Ocean, unveiled last year at StratCo Run the results of the first local study of the impact of inflation on purchasing behavior. This study was repeated, and Armelle Garnier will comment on the findings of the first half of 2023. Also to be continued, two round tables, one on local production and import, the second on freight, in the presence, notably, of the president of the import and trade union of Reunion Island (SURE), Philippe-Alexandre Rebboah, which will recall the role of importers in the Reunion economy, further developed in the interview he gave us (read on page 20). Other highlights, expert forums on crucial digital issues : data backup, cybersecurity and digitalization of brands.

Rami Baitieh, historical figure of Carrefour France.

Two exceptional guests
StratCo Run 2023 welcomes Rami Baitiéh, who was until the end of September executive director of Carrefour France, that is to say a key player in the brand’s renewal. This observer and distribution expert will be interviewed by videoconference by Yves Puget. He will give us his vision of current developments, and this will be an opportunity to question him and benefit from his expertise. Philippe Goetzmann, food industry and commerce expert, will share experience and the solutions he recommends at the local level to stimulate value creation. Chairman of the Commerce commission of the CCI Paris-Ile de France, Philippe Goetzmann works in mainland France with brands and industrial groups to support their evolution to new consumption patterns.

StratCo Run 2023, Wednesday October 11 at Ciné Cambaie, St.Paul. Registrations on www.stratcorun.re

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