Based on 80% local supplies and Reunion manufacturing from A to Z, PetFood Run kibbles for dogs and cats have, in addition to quality, the double advantage of guaranteed freshness and availability : while imports bear the brunt of disrupted maritime traffic and cost increases, the circular economy once again proves its relevance.
commercial and industrial, and Jacques Germane, Managing Director of PetFood Run
Six years ! For PetFood Run too, the time of the symbolic anniversary is approaching. The best known local brand of kibble, Kanéo, appeared in stores in 2014. The PetFood Run factory had started up the previous year, and the company itself was born in 2012. To highlight the progress made, the only Reunion petfood producer recalled its genesis last month : the circular economy project led by local agricultural cooperatives, aimed at promoting leftovers from the poultry sector in the form of kibble for dogs and cats. This is how the Caniroc kibbles for Gamm Vert and Yock for Fermes et Jardins were first born.. Then the brand which, today, is the strength of PetFood Run, Kanéo, with dog food in 2014, then the Kanéo Chat range in 2016. in parallel, additional references allow PetFood Run to be present in all petfood segments : crispiest, entry level for dogs released at the same time as Kanéo ; Croc d’Or for independent dealers and service stations ; Krokidog for specialized circuits. And the last one born in 2018, PRONUTES, marque premium (top of the line) distributed in specialized circuits (pet stores, veterinary clinics, etc.), which demonstrates the level of expertise achieved by PetFood Run.
Leader in supermarkets on the dry dog market
This industrial and commercial deployment strategy has paid off. With a market share, all brands combined, estimated at nearly 30% of the dry goods market, the local producer is notably a leader in supermarkets in dry kibble. And this, in a market with steady moderate growth, but subject to the speculative blows of batches imported at low cost. Low-end brands with often untranslatable labeling are dragging the market down. In this context of blurring of the offer, the advantages of PetFood Run are even more obvious : “They care about the very superior quality of our products, their freshness thanks to the short circuit of our supply of local raw materials. Our kibbles do not travel for weeks by boat ! The short circuit also guarantees a better service rate, with products always available, which reassures the brands. The current situation tends to highlight these strengths that are not always well valued usually” explains Soizic Lucas, director of commercial and industrial operations of PetFood Run.
Croquettes made in Reunion
“PetFood Run is the success of a local development project” summarizes Soizic Lucas. The activity currently employs 19 people. The factory produces 4,000 tonnes of kibble per year. Only packaging and certain specific materials are imported, no local manufacturer is able to supply them at the moment. The products are stamped Nou La Fé and the signature of PetFood Run (“Croquettes made in Reunion”) gains followers every year. Soizic Lucas also highlights another pillar of the local anchoring of this production : the transmission of know-how to young people which will allow skills to be preserved and renewed in Reunion Island. “The company is attached to it, insists Soizic Lucas : in 10 years, the team has already grown well. Petfood Run also works on the versatility of its operators on the workstations in order to maximize the optimization of its production and limit the risks of downtime.. Indeed, given its uniqueness on the island, the technology used requires total control and autonomy over the management of the production line and its maintenance. » The future requires innovation. A new reference, range complement, will be released later this year. A new PetFood Run range is announced for 2023, and discussions are underway on the use of new innovative materials, notably alternative protein sources… and why not insect meals ? Finally, export is now on the PetFood Run agenda : exporting its know-how and expertise is an objective under study…