According to a new study by the CSA Institute for Linkedin, The largest professional network in the world, more than two thirds (68 %) Marketing and communication directors in the finance sector believe that CSR will be an essential issue in the future to respond to what could constitute the next industrial revolution : green economy and societal innovation.
According to marketing and communication directors, quality of life at work (71 %) is the most important CSR issue in the financial sector, followed by gender equality and diversity (64 %). 52 % believe that brands can differentiate themselves from competitors in CSR communication by communicating on evidence, more than on commitments. 46% consider CSR to be important in communication tools and campaigns, A trend that should be accentuated in the coming years. 39 % believe that the financing of a green and inclusive economy will be in the future the main CSR issue of companies in the sector. 60 % use social networks to communicate on CSR, Which makes it the privileged channel. While CSR has many issues, Marketing and communication managers of the financial sector agree to place HR issues at the heart of their concerns. Indeed, It is the improvement of well-being at work for employees who emerge first for 71 % of them, Faced with equality of women/men and diversity. With the arrival of new ESG criteria (Environmental, Social and governance), The observation is clear as to the inevitable transfer of the financial sector and the marketing and communication directors are aware of this. If the financing of a green and inclusive economy is already an important issue in their eyes - this criterion being quoted by 57 % of them - it could become the priority CSR issue. Indeed, 39 % of respondents see the main object of CSR communication in the future, in front of well-being at work (36 %).
CSR communication must rest on evidence
The managers interviewed agree that in terms of CSR communication, "Acts are worth much more than words" : 52 % believe that to stand out, The best option is to communicate on proof points more than on commitments. As for their motivations, It seems more difficult for them to bring out one more than another. Improvement of the image and reputation of the company (44 %), the desire to comply with regulatory standards (36 %) but also to participate in the change in the sector towards a more responsible finance (32 %) are among the most cited. otherwise, They agree that CSR communication is a real source of reinsurance for customers : Three -quarters of them believe that it has a positive impact on the confidence that their customers give to their business. We can see a virtuous circle effect in which taking into account customer expectations would nourish the relationship of trust which itself encourages companies to invest in terms of CSR in matters of CSR.
Social networks, privileged channel to communicate
Communication teams still face certain brakes. So, 30 % of the officials interviewed declare that the communication budgets allocated to CSR remain insufficient. Almost half (49 %) nevertheless affirm that these budgets are increasing, which encourages optimism. otherwise, To deal with these brakes, Companies in the financial sector favor above all the most accessible communication channels, especially Internet with social networks (60 %) and business sites (50 %), channels deemed the most efficient for subjects which are aimed at the general public in the first place. For Ioana Erhan, Director of LinkedIn Marketing Solutions at Linkedin France, "By responding to market transformation, by being a vector of positive societal change but also a performance lever, CSR is led to take a considerable place in the finance sector. While the financing of a greener and inclusive economy is becoming the number one CSR issue of companies in the sector, Marketing and communication directors can rely on social networks as a privileged communication channel to highlight their actions and their commitments ".
Study carried out with a national sample of 200 directors and marketing and communication managers in the financial sector. Questionnaire administered by phone between December 13, 2021 and January 12, 2022.