22 C
Saturday 1 March 2025

The Reunion active at the UNCCAS congress


The delegation of the Departmental Union of Municipal Social Action Centers of Reunion Island defended the specific issues of social support on the island. Among the themes covered : the consequences of the manifesto for Overseas Territories, Europe and climate change. A look back at an intense congress.

In November 2023, Luc Carvounas, mayor of Alfortville and president of the National Union of Municipal Social Action Centers (UNCCAS),and Éricka Bareigts, mayor of Saint-Denis, presented to the Congress of Mayors of France the manifesto for Overseas Territories, with challenges in social support in overseas territories. A few months later, David Belda, deputy president of the CCAS of Saint-Denis, commissioned by Éricka Bareigts, who is also first vice-president of UNCCAS, defended the results of this work at the last congress of the National Union, end of March, in Le Havre. Thanks to an unprecedented overseas mobilization, catch-up measures are now considered legitimate, and the application of the principle of territorial differentiation is essential in order to reduce the gaps. An agency for the development of overseas territories must be created, called to become a watchdog for exceptional measures to be implemented to meet the social needs of overseas territories. In this context, Northern senator Patrick Kanner also tabled a bill aimed at creating an agency for evaluating public policies in the Overseas Territories. “An endowment fund for overseas solidarity is essential”, also defended David Belda before the congress.

National and European solidarity
In a context where Europe plays a growing role in defining social and environmental policies, David Belda also pleaded in favor of better integration of overseas territories into European programs and funding.. He underlined the importance of European solidarity to support sustainable development and social inclusion in overseas regions.. He also made the link with the proposal to draw inspiration from the system of the outermost regions in order to mobilize national funds as well as European funds..

The social aspect of climate change
Climate change and its consequences on the environment are not just an ecological issue. The social dimension is also crucial. Faced with these challenges and the need for decarbonization, the representative of Reunion Island warned of the room for maneuver for municipalities and social workers to reduce inequalities and promote the transition to a greener and more resilient economy. He also recalled that, in every crisis situation, the CCAS were on the front line to act and that it would be essential to integrate them into territorial decision-making bodies, but also national. This dynamic participation of the Reunion delegation was welcomed by all the participants in the UNCCAS congress..

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