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Wednesday 5 February 2025

The first Distrisup-labeled training course in Reunion Island


The IAE has just launched in association with GBH the first promotion of a professional license in Commerce and Distribution labeled Distrisup. Goal : train future department managers.

Booming in Reunion, the retail sector is currently one of the main recruiters and its training needs are numerous. Driven by GBH, to meet these needs, the institute of business administration (IAE) offers this year the professional degree in Commerce and Distribution labeled Distrisup (Bac + 3) with the aim of training future department managers. La première promotion de cette formation en alternance a fait sa rentrée lundi 18 janvier. Onze apprenants ont débuté un parcours en alternance qui va durer 12 mois, shared between university courses and working time in GBH subsidiaries, Carrefour Réunion and Décathlon Réunion. The objective of this license is to train both professionals already in place and young people in pursuit of studies around three essential skills of distribution : trade, management and management. This first promotion is therefore made up of nine employees already in post for several years and three new recruits.. At the end of their training course provided by IAE teachers and professionals, learners will have to present a thesis. The license is open to all large retailers present in the territory.

A springboard to progress
For Pascal Chavignat, Director of Human Resources at GBH, "This training system contributes to the local recruitment of young people from Reunion Island and to promote their professional integration. It also offers our employees the opportunity to obtain a recognized diploma and to prepare themselves for positions of responsibility ". Regional Director of Carrefour Réunion, Amaury de Lavigne emphasizes that this training is also a lever for sharing experience, enthusiasm and passion for the retail trade. It will allow the brand's employees to project themselves into senior management level functions. "All our teams, and tutors in particular, are mobilized to train these young people so that they can access positions of responsibility in the territory in our brands. We wish them good training ! "He congratulated himself .

Training to become a department manager

A sector full of opportunities
This license is the first training in Reunion to benefit from the DistriSup label and the second from overseas, after a license taught in the Antilles. DistriSup is a network to which IAE and GBH have joined, which brings together seventeen national retail chains as well as around twenty French universities and schools. This network has set itself the task of providing training for future professionals in the trade sector. It is based on recognized expertise which gives it an essential guarantee of quality. Large-scale distribution is one of the sectors with the most opportunities for young Reunion Islanders. Avec plus de 5 000 salariés sur le territoire, it holds a preponderant place in Reunion in terms of economic dynamism and the number of jobs offered. Les filiales de GBH ont à elles seules embauché près de 50 collaborateurs en CDI en 2020 malgré un contexte difficile. otherwise, training and internal promotion are key areas of the company's human resources policy. Since 2019, 70 collaborateurs ont été promus sur des postes d’agents de maîtrise ou de cadres.

A partnership between IAE and GBH
By initiating this training in Reunion, GBH and IAE Réunion reflect their common desire to make a lasting contribution to the development of skills and employment of Reunionese. L’IAE Réunion forme depuis plus de 60 ans les Réunionnais de la licence au doctorat. As a university management school, it benefits from the expertise of the university, the competitiveness of business schools and the strength of a national network. Avec 91 % d’insertion professionnelle à deux mois et 88 % de diplômés en poste sur le territoire, the school aims to train managers in the economic specificities of the island. This collaboration with GBH is the logical continuation. GBH est en effet implanté depuis 35 ans à La Réunion. As part of its commitment to employment and professional integration, GBH, in partnership with the DistriSup Network and the University of the Antilles, a mis en place la formation Licence professionnelle Commerce Distribution aux Antilles en 2018. He is now setting it up in Reunion.

Les 11 élèves ont débuté un parcours en alternance d’un an.

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