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Tuesday 25 February 2025

The population of Reunion remains young


As of January 1, 2024, the population of Reunion was estimated by INSEE at 885,700 inhabitants. Even if she gets old, she remains young : those under 20 represent 29% of the total population, over 60s, 21 %.

In France, there are fewer young people than seniors (23% versus 28%). Two other overseas departments have a much younger population than average : Guyana and Mayotte, where those under 20 represent respectively 40,7 % et 53,8% of inhabitants. Reunion is, from afar, the most populous of the French Overseas Territories : it brings together nearly 40% of the Domian population. In 2023, 5,490 people residing in Reunion Island have died. The number of deaths increases compared to 2019, before the health crisis (+420, i.e. +8,4 %). This increase is much stronger than in France (+3,9 %). At the same time, 12,870 babies of mothers living on the island were born last year. The number of births therefore falls again in 2023 (-330, i.e. -2,3 %). This decline is, however, weaker than in France (-6,7 %). Also in other French regions, births decreased in 2023. Reunion is the second region where this decline is lowest, after Guyana (-0,5 %). The natural balance, difference between the number of births and deaths, reached +7,390, down compared to 2019. This is the lowest level since 1950, with the exception of the year 2022, marked by a high number of deaths.

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