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Monday 3 March 2025

The moucat a li of Radio Free Dom celebrates its two years


In 2021, for his forty years, radio Free Dom marked the occasion with the resumption of one of its first emblematic broadcasts, La moucat a li.

For the ignorant, La moucat a li is a simple but impactful concept : “You are unhappy, you want to complain, there is something wrong ? Call our answering machine. If your message is selected, he will appear on the radio in the show La moucat a li. » The tone is set. Rant, crush, we give lessons, we ask for help, we laugh, we are angry and we even sing a song... Everything passes in La moucat a li…in one minute maximum, no more ! You pur Free Dom. The show in fact harkens back to the beginnings of the pioneering Reunion radio station.. It was created in 1982, that is to say shortly after the creation of radio Free Dom. In 1991, when the Télé Free Dom transmitters were seized, the show had stopped. It is therefore the loyalty to its origins that radio Free Dom celebrated last March, by blowing out the two candles of “la moucat a li » of the new generation. The concept still works just as well. In two years, more than two thousand sections of La moucat a li were broadcast on the air ! It made it  moucatage  with three appointments per day, at 6 o'clock, 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.,, every day on Free Dom radio ! Not to mention that, for those who missed the radio broadcast, there are always podcasts on www.freedom.fr. As for the answering machine number, he hasn't changed. It's always the same : 0262 21 08 08 !

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