18.2 C
Tuesday 25 February 2025



Fanny de Loze, founder of Janati Formation, develops its company towards a new horizon : that of Optimism through the League of Optimists of France.

Through his encounters and his great experience, Fanny de Loze knew how to create a place for herself in this world of optimism. The proof is, three years after joining the League, she is named, in November 2021, official delegate of the entire Indian Ocean zone. “I find among the members of this League many values ​​​​that are dear to me : optimism, one of Janati’s core values, the audacity, the sharing, empathy and enthusiasm. The current period stimulates pessimistic behaviors in many of us, de défaitisme et de fatalisme qui favorisent la morosité. L’optimisme vous permet de voir plus grand et plus loin, elle est l’une des solutions de toute cette morosité. »

La Ligue des Optimistes, bien plus qu’un état d’esprit
Née de l’envie de promouvoir l’évolution des mentalités des hommes et des femmes vers l’optimisme et l’enthousiasme, cette association internationale regroupe des personnalités de toutes cultures, de tous horizons sociaux et professionnels. « Le fait d’être optimiste est une façon de voir et d’agir d’une manière à la fois positive et active face aux difficultés et aux incertitudes du monde. In other words, it is your positive outlook on the world that generates action, and your action on the world which nourishes the positive outlook that you have on it. It is therefore with real pleasure and great motivation for me to promote optimism and enthusiasm in all areas of private or public life., economic, cultural or social of the Indian Ocean by putting all my energy into it, my audacity and my personal touch” explains Fanny de Loze. Addressing the professionals, Janati Formation “will cultivate and enrich your optimism and that of your colleagues by setting up seminars and conferences to transmit unifying messages of motivation and humor necessary in this period of crisis” affirms its founder and facilitator.

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