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Saturday 1 March 2025

Waste management : collection from REP sectors in progress


The Réunion Import and Trade Union presented the results of the extended producer responsibility sectors on November 19 (REP) for the year 2023.

59,966 tonnes of waste were collected, figure up 7% compared to 2022. The SICR runs the Indian Ocean REP inter-sector platform, co-financed by Ademe and eco-organizations, who collects the data, summarizes them and establishes the developments for each sector. Only downside, size, to this encouraging annual report : measuring the effectiveness of collections is not really possible. “Statistical secrecy prevents us from having an exhaustive vision of all the goods entering our territory”, deplores Philippe-Alexandre Rebboah, president of the SICR. “We need to know more precisely what comes in to know if what we are doing is effective”, added Fabrice Hoarau, regional elected official responsible for waste policy. The question seems unsolvable, customs must apply statistical secrecy in order to respect business secrecy.

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