The quarterly survey carried out by Iédom among Reunionese business leaders confirmed a continuation of the economic recovery at the end of the year. The health situation was then under control locally, the island escaped a second confinement and the climate indicator continued to recover : at 98,8, it was close to its long-term average (100). Household consumption continued to be upbeat, as illustrated by the dynamics of bank card transactions : +5,7% payments in Q4 2020 compared to 2019. Investment also participated in this gradual recovery, the increase in demand translated into increasing imports. In tourism, construction and commercial services, turnover figures still seemed to be down compared to 2019, although a clear improvement compared to previous quarters. The generally encouraging dynamic at the end will certainly have been slowed down by the new restrictions that came into force in February 2021. (closure of shopping centers of more than 20,000 m² and progressive curfew), warned Iédom in March.