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Tuesday 21 January 2025

Loyalty? Acquisition of new customers? Which strategy to choose to guarantee the development of your sales?


You are a business manager ? You regularly analyze the progress of your sales ? Beyond sales, you wear from time to time, regularly, randomly, a look at your customer file ? More precisely, How much attention do you pay to the behavior of your customers? ? Do you know what motivates your customers to leave? ?

On this point, the economic press is unanimous : beyond product quality, or any other consideration, The conclusion is clear, it is the lack of consideration and personal interactions that drives the client’s decision to leave. Too, the interesting question, is to question, alone or in a team, on what we have implemented in our company : what relationship have we really established with our client ? How can this relationship have a positive impact on the range of services or products offered? ?

We suggest that you make the time you read this article a brief time for personal work.. You are ready ? Paper, pencil in hand, it's gone ! To start, we suggest that you provide the answers to these first few questions :

– How are my clients doing? ? (Name of the last customer I clearly asked.)

– What adaptations have my clients made since 2020 to cope with the changes brought about by the global pandemic ? (An example of adaptation that one of my clients implemented.)

– What are the new needs of my customers ? (An example of a new need expressed to me by one of my clients.)- How am I able to meet these new needs? ? (I am capable of meeting this new need alone. Or I will be able to respond alone with additional training to this new need. Or I will be able to respond to this new need as a team.)

What are the right questions? ?
The ways to improve the relationship we build with our customers are endless.. There is no need to list them here. What matters is to start questioning, to take the time, to ask the right questions. Car, originally, everything will start from the “intention” that drives us. What is our intention in building this relationship? ? What is our “why”? ? The rest, the answers we will give, will be in the register of “how” and will bring the expected results : increase in the quality of the service offered, diversification of the offer, improvement of consideration… which will result, eventually, by an improvement in loyalty and even an increase in notoriety ! All this, thanks to two small questions asked from the start, which might seem trivial, but who are far from being…

You would like to know more ?
You are curious to know which two questions are the key to success ? Only one thing to do : contact us, we will be delighted to welcome you as visitors to one of our business referral partner meetings. Face-to-face or video, in Reunion and Mauritius, every week, more than a hundred entrepreneurs come together. Will you decide to be one of the next ?

For over twenty years, during their professional careers, Sylvie & Annick Miquel supports entrepreneurs, teams, heads of private or public bodies. As BNI Executive Directors in Reunion, BNI National Directors in Mauritius, and as a John Maxwell Certified Leadership Development Coach, they want to help entrepreneurs, their families and communities. One of the primordial notions which is at the center of their mission : “Help as many entrepreneurs and liberal professions as possible to develop their sales, thanks to our structured approach, positive and incentivizing marketing through recommendations. »

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