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Wednesday 22 January 2025



In 2024, Reunion Island will be able to be proud of producing all of its electricity from renewable energies. But Reunion is also, au plan national, one of the most dynamic electric car markets. Now is the time to mobilize to anticipate what will be, without fail, the first major challenge of the renewable energy mix : electric mobility.

In three years, Reunion Island will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the first developed territories to produce 100% of its electricity. (plus the 3000 GWh) from a mix of renewable energies : solar, hydraulic, biomass and biofuel. Then the real challenge begins, that of the balance of a more diversified and dispersed network, therefore more complex to manage than today, on a territory which, not being interconnected with other, must be sufficient in itself. The great challenge of tomorrow will not be that of the means of production, but that of energy efficiency (controlling consumption), in other words the empowerment of the user to avoid peaks saturating the means of production. Main cause ? The development of electric mobility. “Reunion is closely observed on this level” confirm Jean-François Finck, territorial delegate at EDF in Reunion, coordinator of actions carried out in the service of the energy transition, and Aurélien Ouellette, attached to network development at EDF. “Reunion is a territory for experimenting with the energy mix. We will have to solve problems that others will encounter later. »

Creation of AVERE Réunion
A step has been taken this month with the creation of a regional association of AVERE. DEAL, ADEME, Region, Department, EPCI, SIDELEC, SMTR, Agorah, Temergy, EDF, etc : all energy players, of mobility and regional planning sit around a table at the local level by equipping themselves with this information and exchange body. National Association for the Development of Electric Mobility, AVERE was created in 1978 at the instigation of the European Commission. Regional associations emerge as electric mobility develops, decisions must be taken at the local level to prepare it. And this is the case today in Reunion where the conditions for exponential growth in the fleet of electric vehicles are being met.. Less than 2% in 2019, the share of electric vehicles in the vehicle fleet reached 5% at the end of 2020. In a declining automobile market, the proportion of electric, she, has made significant progress. Major car dealers all agree on this : we are approaching an “explosion” of the electric market. Almost all models, general public or professional, now exist in electric or hybrid version. Conversion bonus, ecological bonus : the State massively encourages the switch to electric for individuals and professional fleets, resulting in a faster development of electric cars in Reunion than in mainland France. Daily distances traveled, rarely more than 100 to 150 km, make Reunion Island a prime location for electric mobility

EDF’s forecasts are confirmed
In its forecast assessment of the 2019-2020 electricity supply/demand balance, EDF considered two electric car scenarios. Azur : 15% of the total fleet in 2033 including 40% controlled vehicle charging. Emeraude : 30% of the total fleet in 2033 including 80% controlled vehicle charging. With these prospects for a renewable energy mix, the fundamental issue will be load management. The question of numbers, of the location of the charging points (bornes, homes) and the power level must aim to spread consumption over time. A maximum of vehicles must be able to be loaded during the day rather than in the evening when night falls. We will have to favor not only charging during off-peak hours, but during sunny hours to benefit from solar energy. Energy management (MDE) will have to contribute even more to bending the growth curve of electricity consumption. Everything must be done to smooth consumption and avoid an overdrive “peak of rice pots”. !

Everything to control energy
All-round innovation today characterizes the Reunion energy eco-system,. EDF in Reunion, especially, encourage this movement. The current replacement of conventional meters by digital meters is a national measure which goes in this direction. EDF in Reunion responded last year to the second call for projects from the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) on energy storage. A battery providing a 5MW primary reserve service is already operating in Saint-Leu (energy is quickly released in the event of an incident on other means of production) In 2021, new batteries will supplement the storage capacity of several megawatts, this time offering so-called arbitrage services (energy is stored during the day and released in the evening). Another example : since last year, EDF intervention personnel in Reunion use a mobile application developed in-house which provides access to a global vision of the network in real time. It allows the operator to react much more quickly in the event of outages and malfunctions.. EDF in Reunion, which encourages initiative through its internal innovation agency (AIR), now wishes to launch an external innovation competition during the second half of the year and which will be aimed at Reunion startups. Technological inventiveness can play a significant role in the success of Reunion’s energy challenge.. Ecolobeau solar heating (see opposite), project supported by the Alizé system of which EDF in Réunion is a member, is an example. “We must find the tools and solutions adapted to the local context which will complement EDF’s tools” underline Jean-François Finck and Aurélien Ouellette.

It’s Jérôme Lebeau’s, founder of Ecolobeau, that we owe the introduction to Réunion of this innovation which heats and dehumidifies the air at the same time. A revolution for the habitat of the upper part of the island.
Nine years after its creation, Ecolobeau is preparing to move up a gear. The company has just moved into new premises in Saint-Benoît. Known for motorizing gates and heating solar swimming pools, Ecolobeau is ready to develop solar heating in Reunion. It has the exclusivity of a German reference solution. For five years, she tested it high up in habitats subject to cold and humidity and, every time, successfully. Photovoltaic specialist, graduated from a School of Environmental Professions, Jérôme Lebeau can today say : “My goal, it is to help the people of Hauts to acquire a new comfort of life. » Solar heating indeed changes life. It is all the more relevant at higher altitudes as winter is the sunniest season at altitude.. No more need for fireplaces or electric heaters. No more humid air. The system ? A photovoltaic panel powers a fan which collects and heats the outside air. After being filtered, this hot air, at adjustable temperature, is injected inside the house. Results : a substantial saving on the electricity bill and cleaner indoor air because it is renewed and heated. More humidity also means less wear and tear on the house. The first families to be equipped with it demonstrate a new quality of life. The product has even helped one person get rid of their asthma. ! Finally, when the hot weather arrives, the device can be used, conversely, to ventilate and freshen the air.

Everyone wins
Guaranteed for 10 years, Ecolobeau solar heating is eligible for energy renovation assistance (the first Renov) of the National Housing Agency. With the ease of requesting a quote (on the website www.ecolobeau.com) and attractive marketing (payment in installments), Ecolobeau is doing everything to make this solar heating event a success, from which everyone comes out a winner.

Olivier Soufflet

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