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Tuesday 21 January 2025

Solar power on a thermal power plant


EDF-Insular Electric Production commissioned a photovoltaic power plant in a shade house in the parking lot of the Port Est thermal power plant at the beginning of May. The electricity produced by the photovoltaic panels – 432 modules for a power of 138 kWp – powers the plant’s electrical equipment such as compressors., centrifuges, device for producing demineralized water…

This is the fourth project of this scale installed by EDF PEI, which today has photovoltaic modules on the parking shades of all its power stations : Bellefontaine (Martinique), Jarry Point (Guadeloupe), Luciana (Corse) and now East Port. These installations represent a total of 1 MWp of solar electricity which will make it possible to reduce the electricity consumption of the sites accordingly., i.e. approximately 1,200 MWh per year which will not be withdrawn from the electricity network of the territories concerned. These projects were selected by the Energy Regulatory Commission following the call for tenders published at the end of 2016 for self-consumption installations in non-interconnected areas..

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