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Tuesday 21 January 2025

Dispersion, focus, prioritize…how to manage your time when you are a business manager ?


What if we took the time to share stories ? What if we experienced together the power of the famous “story telling” ?

I suggest two things to you. The first is to take the time to quietly read the following two stories. Then think about it in order to take stock of what they evoke in you. The second will be to take the time to tell this/these same(s) history(s) to someone close to you (or to a small group of individuals), and to continue your exchange through the animation of a common reflection. You might be surprised(e) what could come out of this dialogue… Experiment, then contact us ! and tell us !

Sustainable progress in four steps
Let's imagine the story of a person, from birth to adulthood, and observe the journey of learning knowledge. This example can be used in an infinite number of situations.. Let's imagine a little girl, that we will call Juliette. Juliette is in a car. It's a baby, to mother conduct, Juliette is in the back in her car seat. She doesn't know how to drive, but she is not aware of it. We talk about unconscious incompetence. A few years pass, Juliette is in primary school, she is now seven years old. When Juliette gets into the car, she is always at the back, It's his mother who drives. Juliette doesn't know how to drive, and she knows it, she is aware of it. We are talking about conscious incompetence. Juliette is now an adult, she just got her license. Her parents helped her finance the purchase of a car, she drives carefully, she is very focused on each of her movements, she is very attentive to each necessary gear change. Today, she is able to drive, and she knows it. We now speak of conscious competence. Juliette is now thirty years old, his life plans are moving forward, his schedule is full between his job, his family, his friends and his hobbies, she travels a lot by car, she is autonomous, she knows by heart the route she takes every day. Juliette knows how to drive, she is very comfortable behind the wheel, she doesn't even think about it anymore, his actions have become automatic. She is at the stage of unconscious competence.

Competent, incompetent, aware, unconscious ?
And you, what would you like to learn right now ? and where are you (honestly) ? At what stage do you think you are on the path to knowledge? ? Particularly on the path to learning time management ? Competent / Incompetent ? Conscious / Unconscious ? It is an interesting matrix on which everyone can question themselves to know where to place themselves. ?. Because once awareness is made, we can then each begin to give meaning to the decision we can make. But let’s go further in thinking about “time management”… according to the prism of knowledge through which we approach it. This is the subject of the second story that I suggest you read.

Train yourself in time management
A teacher is in charge of training his students in time management (story obviously repeated by many trainers). The professor decided to carry out an experiment. From under the table that separated him from his students, he took out a large vase which he delicately placed in front of him. Ensuite, he took out several large stones and placed them delicately, one by one, in the big vase. When the large vase was filled to the brim and it was impossible to add another stone, he looked up at his students and asked them : “Is this vase full ? » Everyone responded : « oui.»
He waited a few seconds and added :
" Really ? " SO, he bent down again and took out from under the table a container filled with gravel. Gently, he poured gravel on the large stones, then lightly shook the vase. The gravel seeped between the stones… to the bottom of the vase. The professor looked up again at his audience and repeated his question : “Is this vase full ? » His students began to understand his trick. One of them replied  : “Probably not ! " " GOOD ! » replied the professor. He leaned down again and, this time, took out a bag of sand from under the table. With attention, he poured the sand into the vase. The sand filled the spaces between the large stones and the gravel.. Once again, he asked again : “Is this vase full ? » This time, without hesitation and in unison, the attentive students responded : « Non ! " " GOOD ! » replied the professor. And he took the pitcher of water that was on the table and filled the vase to the brim.. The old professor then looked up at his group and asked : “What a great truth this experience shows us ? » A daring student, thinking about the course topic, replied : “This shows that even when we believe that our agenda is completely full, if we really want it, we can add more appointments, more things to do. » « Non », replied the professor. “That’s not it. The great truth that this experience shows us is the following: : if you don't put the big stones first in the pot, we will never be able to get them all in, ensuite. » There was a deep silence, everyone becoming aware of the evidence of their words. The teacher then asked them :
“What are the big stones in your life ? » And you entrepreneurs, what are the big stones in your business ? today ? in 1 year ? in 3 years ? And you readers, what are the big stones in your life ? what is essential for you ? How do you organize your priorities? ? What would be your awareness on this subject? ?

You want to know more ? SO, why not join one of our business meetings ? The entire BNI Réunion and BNI Maurice team is dedicated to the success and economic development of local businesses : this is the heart of our mission ! Contact us, we will be delighted to welcome you as a visitor.
For over twenty years, during their professional career, Sylvie & Annick Miquel supports entrepreneurs, teams, heads of private or public bodies. As BNI Executive Directors in Reunion, BNI National Directors in Mauritius, and as a certified John Maxwell Coach, they want to help entrepreneurs, their family and their community. One of the primordial notions which is at the center of their mission : “Help as many entrepreneurs and liberal professions as possible to develop their sales, thanks to our structured approach, positive and incentive marketing by recommendations. »

Annick and Sylvie Miquel
BNI Executive Directors Meeting
& National Directors BNI Mauritius
m +262 692 45 84 00
k bnireunion@bnifrance.fr
k contact@bnimauritius.mu

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