22 C
Saturday 1 March 2025

Carpooling : more than 100,000 registered on Karos


Managers of the Karos carpooling application welcome the latest results obtained, which make Reunion Island the “undisputed champion of carpooling in France”.

One in four Reunion Islanders (among employed workers or students) is now registered on Karos. “The establishment of co-financing of journeys by the Region, rising fuel prices, l’inflation, the exceptional mobilization of students thanks to the journeys offered by the application, the mobilization of public and private employers… are all factors which have contributed to the explosion of the practice on the island”, believe its promoters. One employer particularly stands out : the national park, of which two thirds of the 90 employees are registered on Karos and carpool more than 500 times per month. Health establishments, several state services and private employers are deploying carpooling within them to encourage employees to share a vehicle on their way to work.

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