Remuneration elements, bonuses and allowances, duration of work, absences, daily social security allowances, withholding tax… constantly evolving regulations characterize employee pay in France ! Despite a new simplified pay slip, its reading always remains complex and can cause incomprehension or confusion.
SO, how to better navigate this maze, understand all the calculations and, in the end, the ins and outs of the pay slip ? 100% updated and operational, up to date with the finance law and the 2021 Social Security financing law, this book will allow any employee to decipher and better understand their pay slip, in the form of simple and chronological questions and answers. Also intended for HR, managers and payroll managers, this book will allow them to respond clearly and precisely to their colleagues’ questions.
THE AUTHOR : Stéphane Liziard is a consultant-trainer in payroll and personnel administration.
He supports and advises HR and payroll professionals on payroll issues., of social management, payroll and personnel administration news.
Understanding the pay slip
100 questions to decipher, analyze and explain a pay slip, Stéphane Liziard, Gereso editions