Our organization has been growing in more than 70 countries for 36 years, and continues to pursue this development. If we wonder about the keys to this success, one of these is that our organization is based on seven fundamental values, including the one which highlights the importance of “learning throughout life”.
At all times, and in all circumstances, whether professionally or personally, training is an asset. Even better, it's a real gift ! A gift we give to ourselves, and what we do to others, because it is shared. Let's train, let's progress, let's improve our knowledge, let's share this knowledge, add value to people and organizations, the list is far from exhaustive as the collective interest that results from it is immense ! Then comes the question of the training format. How do I want to train myself, with what type of supports ? what entourage ? what rhythm ? etc. Here again, the proposals are multiple, and it is important that everyone can identify what will be most effective and suitable for themselves. As far as we are concerned, with time and experience, we have acquired certain convictions. The book is a support. The group is an asset. And the combination of the two forms a formidable cocktail of efficiency, reflection, energy and sharing ! We are certified leadership development coaches, members of the JMT France team, and here we would like to share an extract from one of the formulas that we are developing in the format of “Mastermind groups”. It will be about an extract developed around one of the books written by John C. Maxwell.
Connecting adds value to what you do
When a leader acts with the intention of fully connecting with the people they communicate with, then the results become spectacular. The connection between people will in particular inspire trust, to generate increased motivation during complex tasks to carry out, and overall this connection will produce a positive and encouraging dynamic.
Acting with the desire to connect is fully beneficial, not only professionally, but in all departments of life.
Let's play a little : let us project ourselves within the framework of our choice, whether at work, at a dinner, at the gym, at a birthday party… Mentally choose this place, and now imagine yourself facing a new person you don't know, who you have never spoken to. What happens then ?
“When you meet someone, how are you trying to connect with her ? What are the first questions you usually ask to find out more about this person ? »
Of course, there are no right or wrong answers to this question. It is simply interesting to begin a form of self-diagnosis on oneself and to know our starting point (since we wish to follow the path of interpersonal communication of course). We are not all equal in this situation. Some will be more extroverted and will have easier spontaneous speech., for others it will be more laborious. But no matter the starting point. The idea is to succeed in visualizing it, to then be able to act intentionally. And knowing the list of our spontaneous questions is a great tool that can allow us to get out of our comfort zone..
Try, you might be surprised. Then, another form of questioning lies in wondering about the effect that the exercise of entering into communication with others produces on oneself.
Let's keep playing together : let's remember the last time we actually met a new person.
I suggest you mentally dive back into the setting of this meeting : what was the place ? who was present ? what was the weather like that day ?…How did you feel after that moment ?
“Do you find it energizing or exhausting, meeting new people ? Why ? »
Here again, there is no need to indicate a right or wrong answer. The only valid answer is the one that suits us. The one that allows us to know ourselves better, and thus to know today what are the effects that entering into communication produces on oneself... to possibly ask the same question again in a few months, a few years… We might be surprised at the answer that would come at that time.
Communicate by connecting to others, fully
The ability to make connections, communicating with others begins when we understand the value that people represent. In other words, no one can succeed in connecting well with others without valuing these people. When we act consciously to connect with the people around us, it will always add value to what we do. It will always make us better if we know how to connect.
Whatever our position in an organization, our function, whatever our social or family environment, let's make sure at every moment to take care of our interpersonal communication, and let's connect. The entire BNI La Réunion and BNI Maurice team will be happy to help you !
For over twenty years, during their professional careers, Sylvie & Annick Miquel supports entrepreneurs, teams, heads of private or public bodies. As BNI Executive Directors in Reunion, BNI National Directors in Mauritius, and as a certified John Maxwell Coach, they want to help entrepreneurs, their families and communities. One of the primordial notions which is at the center of their activity, and which is always the subject of questions, of exchanges and reflections : lifelong learning.
1. John Maxwell Team
2. “Everyone communicates, few connect. »
Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, made this observation :
“Those who build great companies understand that the ultimate barrier to growth, this is not the market, technology, competition or products. There is something else that matters infinitely more : the ability to surround yourself and keep the right people around you”. Jim Collins
Annick and Sylvie Miquel
BNI Executive Directors Meeting
& National Directors BNI Mauritius
+262 692 45 84 00